I am a sucker for post-apocalyptic stories and games that take place in these things. This is not per se the case for Scarlet Nexus, but a world in which everyone gets powers definitely steers that way, as the story can show. I loved the story, the colorful characters and their (optional) backstories, and the great presentation and environments.
I do feel that basically every enemy gets beaten the same way and the two playthroughs required to see the complete story do not add much in my opinion. I did feel that the DLC added a nice bonus, but I would understand if not everyone felt this way about it. Action-RPG lovers, I don't think you'll regret buying this game.

Yes, this is a 5/5 rating for fans of the series. I'm sorry, but it's impossible to be unbiased for games like these. I can possibly imagine that the fighting can get repetitive, but if that's the criticism, then why are you playing a Dragon Ball game?
Regardless, the side quests can feel a bit dry at parts; I will happily give you that. The music, the graphics, the DLC that continued the game for years after its release, and I think you have a gem on hands that allows for replay. It can be seen as a more streamlined, more interactive version than DBZ: Kai; and yes, I do mean that as a compliment!

Customization, polished graphics, tracks with more variety (gliding, underwater parts) and easy multiplayer and online modes; I think this is one of the more underrated entries in the series!

Even though I had a lot of fun with the different bike types and the new stunting mechanic, I don't remember my time with it all that well. I feel as though I was extremely excited in the beginning, but the newness of it all fell off for me quickly. Regardless, still a Mario Kart!

Being the first entry to introduce retro cups to the series, allows it already a memorable status. Personally, I've played hours of this game and the online service worked just fine for me. Very much a landmark DS title for me.
However, the graphics were a bit too blocky for me to be fully immersed at all times, as I feel 5th generation Pokemon looked more polished. Small tidbit, but I wanted to mention it.

Having the already great 8th, but re-released with all the DLC unlocked is great package. Additionally, I enjoyed all the extra cups added as even more DLC, for a pretty reasonable price. The only reason for not giving it 5/5 stars, is due to the ever-present lackluster single player options. As a party game, it stands tall, just as expected.

I will admit that this rating is partially due to nostalgia. The first Mario Kart title I played with actual ''big boy'' graphics, and I had a ton of fun with this title with my brother and friends. Mario Kart is simply one of the best multiplayer games out there. Finally, I will give it points for some of the most memorable tracks out there that got revived in later entries: DK Mountain, Baby Park, Waluigi Stadium just to name a few!

Definitely not the most exciting entry in the series, but it is respectable what they managed to put on a device like the Gameboy Advance. No disrespect, still a really good game despite the slippery controls.

Tight gameplay, fun combos that allow for creativity and mix-ups, big roster of available characters with endless fan service. Lastly, the beautiful presentation only amplified by the great use of camera angles, the music and the voice acting (in both languages) really bring it all together. Do you like fighting games? Do you like Dragon Ball? Then you have no excuse not to add this to your collection. Single player is lacking, but when is it ever not? Play this with your friends or online and this is one of the most timeless games to exist.

Even though I was in love with the graphics the Gamecube could produce, the gameplay was - even for Pokemon - too repetitive. The overworld felt empty, and the gameplay felt slow. Beating the game was a genuine challenge, given the slow level progression, which I considered to be a plus.

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My only slight point of criticism, is that the story is just a re-telling (albeit with an expanded world). There was so much potential for a sequel, as the originals left many questions unanswered; additionally, this re-telling meant that the amazing villain of the original was nothing more than a rendition of Mother Theresa. For those who had just played Sun and Moon in preparation for this, must have felt cheated.
However, it's still a great game; the extended library of Ultra Beasts are freaky and welcoming. Finally, the Rocket-themed postgame is a love letter to fans of the past generations. Lastly, Necrozma and their extended lore is just a genuine treat (and powertrip).

The new Trial formula, the Ride Pokemon, the Isles, the Carnaval, the Ultra Beasts and Z-Moves?! The hype was absolutely there for this new arrival and I was feeling ecstatic with every new trailer that came out.
I'm not here to convince you, but I spent an easy 500+ hours on this game.

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The long-rumored Gen 3 remakes finally made it to the 3DS. As it was with X and Y, seeing Hoenn and all its Pokemon being realized in the updated world was nothing but a treat. The ability to fly using either Latios or Latias was a nice added bonus, especially given the Hoopa dimensional rings. Lastly, the Delta post-game was brief but very exciting and rewarding. It is still just a remake, but given the more than expected content make this a must-play for Pokemon fans

I don't remember every looking forward to a new Pokemon game, as I did for this one. Seeing the trailers with the fully realized overworld in 3D made me beyond excited; the beautiful models and the attacks just spring to life in ways I only hoped it would one day.
I find the new additions to the line-up to be very exciting and creative (Tyrantrum, Aegislash) and the Mega Evolutions made the (meta)game feel extremely vibrant. Very nice idea to bring new life to old Pokemon. Finally, the continued support of Pokemon Bank with the added capability of being able to transfer all your pokes to the newest games was absolutely worth it, being able to see them in the new 3D environments as well!

I had never expected to see a direct sequel to a Pokemon game in the same generation. Even though the player (Trainer) is different, the story is able to continue in a believable way. Are the legendary fusions over the top? Yes. Do I mind? Not at all; it's the equivalent of having a back-up rocket launcher on your team and I'm all here for it.