3 reviews liked by KMikko

Got dumped, played this, passed three weeks. Would recommend.

I enjoyed my time with this game. It had a lot of interesting ideas, though they don't all land, I appreciate the attempt at something new.

For characters, I found the main duo, dry and boring. They are both incredibly serious about their mission and it never feels like they are anything but avatars for the player rather than people. The supporting party you meet on the journey however are all a joy and greatly enhanced the journey.

For combat. I appreciated the mixup of using the Octopath lock breaking system as rather an interrupt for enemy spells/skills. I felt the system grew more complex appropriately as your party grew and forced you to think sometimes on how it was even possible to break them in the limited number of turns you were given, or if you will do something else to mitigate the damage you will receive.

As a downside to that though, the focus on breaking locks also left the number of skills and variety quite low. This meant that your cast for the most part plays exactly the same the moment you get them as they do at the end of the game, and this can get tiring.

As for the story, it was a fairly standard chosen one story with some interesting developments, but I felt it ultimately fell short, specially at the end.

I think overall it was a good first attempt at an RPG from Sabotage, and I look forward to what they try next, even if its a different genre again. I think this game is worth playing. It won't change your life, but it's a solid game.