Not bad, but a huge step down from the first game. The gameplay feels a lot less satisfying, and the story is really stupid, and while the comic book artstyle this goes for isn’t the worst, I’m not a fan of it at all since the first game was one of the most atmospheric FPS games I’ve ever played and the artstyle takes that away. It’s also a lot easier than the first game which is weird because despite that, this game was a lot more frustrating. The first Darkness is the best FPS I ever played, and it’s really disappointing for the series to step down like this. This game has one of the coolest covers I’ve ever seen though.

Well it’s my 19th birthday and while waiting for a dumb achievement to unlock in Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell I thought to myself “Hey I don’t think I ever actually beat the original Super Mario Bros.” So I decided to do it, without using any warp pipes and I’mma be real, this game hasn’t aged all to well. I mean it’s very innovative but you can already see huge improvement in this series with the next titles. This game’s a classic for a reason, but I just don’t find it all that fun to play. The controls and physics feel a bit off. You know how when you’re playing a great platformer every single death feels like your own fault. Well I’m this instance almost none of the deaths felt like my fault. Most of the time I died because Mario didn’t sprint despite the fact I was holding B, or going forward off a cliff after jumping on an enemy despite not pressing anything that should lead me their, or just straight up not jumping even though I definitely pressed A in time. It’s quite annoying and made the game very tedious. It’s not like it’s an issue with my controller, it works fine on other games, and it’s not like I’m not trying to hate on other NES games, it feels weird, a lot of NES games that are trashed are really good, they just have weird mechanics, the original Metal Gear is fantastic game, and despite what AVGN says most LJN games and even Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde became quite fun games once you figured out the mechanics. Maybe I’m still quite haven’t figured it out with this one, either I still beat it and don’t see myself coming back to it.

This is stupid and honestly quite shit, just like Saints Row 3 and 4, but just like those games atleast the gameplay’s still really fun. Really really miss the first two games though.

Yo this game is incredibly easy to beat. All you have to do is just constantly go all in. Either everyone folds and you slowly collect money, someone calls and you eliminate them taking all their chips or someone calls and you realize you're gonna lose the hand so you quit at the last second, then boot the game up again and it takes you back to start of that hand and you get dealt completely different cards.