Such a frustrating game.

An RPG that's brimming with so much accessibility in terms of combat and classes, weapons and armour, an interesting story, all dragged down by poor mechanics and boring, underdeveloped decisions.

You will spend most of your time running from location to location, battling the same enemies, camping, moving to the next location, etc. It's stagnant, and a complete chore to play at times, and then you'll find yourself captivated and sucked in by a quest or storyline.

Really loved the first 10 hours or so, but it's just flawed fantasy experience.

I've admired and loved everything Hideo Kojima created for video games, and frankly without his incredible mind we wouldn't have any of the heavy story based games that we today without him. He's a pioneer, an auteur, and a genius in my opinion.

Death Stranding got heavily rinsed when it released in 2019, but after playing it back then, I was astounded by its originality, creativity, and themes. I still to this day call it "just another Kojima masterpiece".

Kojima wanted Death Stranding to stand out and do something we've never seen before, and that frightened many. I think Covid having a massive influence on gaming in general has boosted its profile a little more and audiences are warming up to its story and quirks. To attain a cult status all these years later only warms my heart further.

To me, there's simply nothing like it. It invokes so many emotional responses within its desolate open world, and it's level of character building with such a large cast of unique characters is outstanding.

Its memorable, funny, weird, horrifying, heartbreaking, even heartwarming at times. It's a must play for anyone into narrative experiences.

Those rumours of Rocksteady's in-house conflict are looking more and more true.

Forget the poor, underwhelming narrative or the repetitive gameplay loop (I can forgive those elements if they keep me sort of engaged for a few hours), as Rocksteady intended it to be a live service game, this is absolutely atrocious. The way it introduces it's endgame to the player is borderline offensive. It's a game for the first ten hours, after that it's a boring, roundabout of doing the same missions over and over again to raise your rank. Astonishingly bad and absolutely disrespectful to the brand that made Rocksteady who they are.

An apparent seven years in development, what have Rocksteady been doing? Genuinely awful game that deserves to fail.

Insomniac's Spider-Man 2 follows in the same vein as their previous entry with expanded features thanks to the Playstation 5's technology.

You cant exactly go wrong with Spider-Man games, zipping and swinging through the streets of New York is fun enough in itself. Yet, the story just feels too safe. It's thrilling and exciting, with big stage cinematics always a centrepiece of Sony's bug budget games. Where can you go from this and expand? I don't know, but as long as I'm still around, I'll still play these regardless.

A transcendent experience that pushes the boundaries of storytelling and video games alike. Alan Wake II is a multimedia video that excels in every department.

This is Remedy's crowing achievement. A once in generation video game.