352 reviews liked by Kat_And_Kash

Definitely fun and well made. But not as good as it was hyped up to be if i’m honest.
I still enjoyed it, and don’t think I wasted my money or anything. But I don’t think this is close to the level of any 3D Mario game

After playing this game on and off for a year or two, I have finally done all the puzzles the game has to offer, and what a blast it has been.
This is genuinely my favorite puzzle game I've played. The controls are intuitive, the music is pretty damn good, the models you build have a lot of charm and there are hundreds of puzzles, ranging from small ones you can do in a minute, to massive builds that take 20 to 30 minutes to make.
There are even giant builds that you make over the course of about 15 smaller puzzles, ending in those 15 parts being put together and seeing them all as one giant structure.

It has boatloads of charm, hours of content and is one of the 3DS's hidden gems.
My consolations to the Americans, who can't get it anymore after the Eshop's closure, since it never got a physical release in the Americas.

I'm a total console guy...but do yourself the favor and play it on PC. PS4 Versionis really not the best way to play sadly. In the maingame I had no problems but here:
-despawning enemies
-buggy AI
-poor hit detection

I'm not the biggest fan of the DLCs but it is still Dishonored so it's still fun!

It's more of Dishonored. That's always a good thing. I found the missions very short but neat in their own way.

My biggest problem with it was the AI. I had the feeling the enemies walked pretty random sometimes and just sort of popped into existence while I was walking through a door. This happened to me like 25 times but has never happened to me in Dishonored 1 or 2.

I'm not the biggest DLC guy so this was one of my first experiences.
But still overall great expansion.

A bit of a mixed bag for me. Taking Sonic to an open-world format makes sense, but a lot of the tasks you're asked to do started to feel samey before long. Everything feels pretty nice control-wise, but the gameplay itself got a little stale the longer it went. Probably got halfway before I had my fill. It’s a decent game overall though; I probably just prefer linear Sonic. Shoutouts to the soundtrack by the way ---- some songs go way harder than most Sonic OSTs to date & really nail it.

I gotta give the devs credit: the idea of taking Guitar Hero with you on the go sounds pretty cool in theory. In practice, though... it just doesn't work that well. The peripheral you plug into the GBA slot of the DS to simulate holding a normal GH controller is kind of a neat idea, but I can't imagine it being comfortable to use for very long. And unless you're using headphones it's just hard to "rock out." An odd little novelty in the GH lineup.

Brings me right back to the good ol' days of the GBA link cables & retro-style local multiplayer. Despite the game having only maybe 4-5 levels to explore, I have some good memories of my cousin & I playing this ad nauseum for hours on end. Overall it's just a really fun idea. Take the top-down exploration Zelda formula, allow players to roam around, grab their own items & cooperate to solve puzzles & defeat bosses. It works very well.

Between the Four Swords games, I gotta give the edge to Adventures on GameCube. Had several high school hangouts where this game was the focus & we had a blast. Splitting exploration of the world between the TV screen & the GBAs everyone uses as a controller was pure genius. The mix of competition & cooperation baked into the gameplay makes for a wild, silly & entertaining time each time you fire it up, particularly with friends.

N cheguei a jogar mt e nem msm o online, só entrava algumas vezes pra jogar algo pra passar o tempo.

>> Prós
• JOGABILIDADE : Os controles não são complicados de se aprender.
• MAPAS : Tem uns bons mapas disponivéis.
• GRÁFICOS : São bons gráficos nos cenários.

>> Contras
• MAIS CONTEÚDO : Acho q poderia ter ainda mais variedade de mapas e mais alguns modos de jogo.