403 Reviews liked by Kat_And_Kash

Amazing and surreal feeling twin stick "shooter". The main goal of the game is to enter a level, pick an animal that gives you a bonus perk, and then clear out the level of enemies. It's simple but very fun. You kill quick and you die quick but the reset is near instant so even if you keep messing up it's not a huge waste of time. The reason I wouldn't fully class this as a shooter is because there are multiple and viable different types of guns \ melee weapons.

The story is pretty abstract and meant to be interpreted in multiple ways. Their is a sequel so there are canon plot points but it doesn't matter to much. I still enjoy the Miami vibe and the small story structure is enough to keep you hooked. Trying to figure why your doing what your doing and what that can even say about you as the player.

Overall just a fun game to play and even master.

A fun and satisfying shooter. Really good coop experience. Loads of base game content and with the steam version there's even more content to explore.

Amazing Puzzle game with an interesting story. The whole time your questioning what's going on\ why you only have some robot talking to you.

The main gameplay gimmick is being able to place portals on any (allowed) surface. So the main way to solve puzzle is to figure out the best portal placements. Of course the game adds physic elements to add more depth.

It's pretty much dirt cheap nowadays and it's really short. Like if you get a somewhat decent handle on the game you could beat it in a day.

Fun follow up to both Spiderman(PS4) and Miles Morals. Does a great job of combining both the Spider-Men. Combat can still feel a little stiff but the improvements from Miles Morals really help give the game something fresh. Movement is as fun as ever and the wing suit adds so much fun. Story is okay, pretty predictable until the final act of the game that does throw a big surprise. Although the cutscenes and acting really help keep the story together. Switching between characters helps give the game some extra juice and it also helps with give more mission variety since each character can some exclusive missions. While I really did enjoy my time, I look back at the game as a safe but good sequel. It's exactly the type of follow up I would expect but it's still done well.

My only experience with pre-RE4 games are the remakes but even just going with those you can really tell RE7 wants to be a first person old school RE game. I feel it does a great job at that, both with the atmosphere and gameplay. Most of the game is spent just exploring a disgusting swamp area that's dark as hell and creepy because of that. As for the story you follow Ethan who's trying to find his girlfriend that went missing in the game's area. Once you do find your girlfriend you realize you got to actually rescue her and find a way out. The main antagonist is red neck family called the bakers who are clearly infected\mutated.

The gameplay involves a lot of puzzle solving and backtracking to areas with new keys\equipment to unlock more areas. You do get guns to shoot but for the most part you are meant to conserve ammo since enemies do not drop any. Which as someone who mostly played post RE4 games is a nice change of pace.

Overall the game is really enjoyable, it feels great to explore and discover. It also has good tension with being set in a disgusting place and with you not wanting to engage with enemies. I should the 2 main story DLCs (Chris's, and Zoe's) are both great additions to get game that are worth playing.

After all these years I still don't understand how the multiplayer mode is so popular. Needless to say the single player is alright.

I have to say you can tell this is one of the best Mario Kart games because they still haven't really bothered making a sequel. I used to have some complaints about wishing the Deluxe version had more characters and maps but with the 2nd expansion pass that's a non-issue. At this point my only complaint is that this should be max $60 with the DLC but considering it still sells as well as it does that won't happen. Also the online to me was enjoyable, not a technical expert but it felt fine to play online.

Too much lateral thinking in this bitch for me. It is a very beautiful game thou. Maybe one day I'll come back to it but I think it's too much for me to handle.

Twenty years later and these devs still haven’t realized turn based combat is boring as shit

Such a pretty game and overall smooth experience with some very fulfilling puzzles that made me say "oh my god" a fair amount of times. I wasn't following whatever artsy story they were trying to tell until the very end where it kinda clicked and eh fair enough it was somewhat interesting. This game really shines in how each puzzle "solution (idea, concept etc.)" is never overdone or overstayed it's welcome, and they're introduced at a very steady rate. But a couple did leave me wanting just a bit more (one in particular really makes me want a a sequel just for that). I've played a fair amount of puzzle games and this one feels like it respects your intelligence particularly well. Also the "bosses" were a nice addition to shake up the gameplay.

First AAA game I've played for quite a while. Man I forgot how talented these developers have become in some ways. The story of the game didn't exactly hook me, in fact I found it to be underwhelming in some ways. It clearly has the sequel in mind which is good for the series overall but takes away as a standalone title I think. However it definitely had it's highs and knows how to craft some emotional moments and epic set pieces.

I really admire what this game does to keep you engaged. It created a world to be explored, but so impressively reveals it layer by layer that always feels approachable. Environments are beautiful and the puzzles are interesting enough for a game like this.

Extra content outside of the main story is not so interesting if you're not very interested in the lore, but it still doesn't feel much like filler, enemy/environment variety and ongoing dialogue helps with this alot.

The combat is excellent and satisfying, and the freedom to create a build, mixing and matching gear/stats to match your play style is designed extremely well. Hard difficulty gave me the perfect balance of challenge. I also give the game credit for the optional challenges that are substantially harder than the main game but still very fair and rewarding.

Overall, I was constantly having fun in the 40 hours I spent here, but I was hoping for a bit more in a some areas, I really don't feel like I know Kratos.

The girls are back! And actually better than before by quite a bit. Direct improvements from the first game include better difficulty balancing, more interesting and fun side content, more characters/moves etc., and a more banger soundtrack (the first was great aswell!).
The dialogue, plot, and boss fights are as silly as ever, this game is just such a good time and I have little to complain about.

As far back as my memory can reliably take me, Tomb Raider: Legend was one of the first video games I ever played. Of course, that meant I completely sucked at it; a level that would take me 20 minutes now took a few hours back then, and I never actually finished the game until a couple years ago. It doesn't exactly hold all that magic of a grand adventure that I once thought it did; it's quite the short journey, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable, in fact I think that's to it's advantage. It's a nice bite-sized and fast paced adventure with plenty of unique stages, that never stops being fun to play, despite it's shortcomings.

Lara is an icon, I mean, everyone knows that, but her characterisation is totally at it's (second) best in this game and I'll stand by that. Legend's best decision was to have running dialogue between Lara, Alister and Zip throughout most of the levels and their chemistry is just so entertaining. This allows her to regularly show off her intelligence and sass very well, giving me many chuckles. They also weren't afraid to let her show a little more of her inner emotions in this entry which was quite nice.

Legend gameplay itself, mmmmmeh? It's enough to keep you engaged throughout and it's certainly not boring by any stretch. I haven't played TR 3-6 so I don't know how much of the parkour elements are new, but I do know that the grapple is a pretty awesome addition that is fun for traversal, and is used in some neat ways for puzzles. I don't have any problem with the gameplay per se, it's just nothing notable. Like the combat is just mindless easy fun. OH YEAH, and the bike sections, I think people mostly hate them but I find 'em pretty fun, although I can imagine if you play on hard mode or something they can get old and frustrating quickly.

Mediocre level and puzzle design is made up for with how well they are integrated into the environments. Whether it's underground in an ancient tomb, on the top level of a skyscraper, or on the cliffs by a waterfall, all platforming is cleverly built into the scenery so as to not take away from the spectacle. My favourite stages in this regard would have to be Peru, Japan and Ghana (such a pretty stage), but they all do it fairly well.

Can we talk about that for a second? I honestly like the Survivor (reboot) games quite a bit, but I think I would like to return to this more "world tour" kind of progression. Lara is a world explorer, playing this and some of the classics has reminded me that I appreciate "exploration" the most when you are taken to many vastly different and unique places all over the world. The newer games tend to stick to their one place, and while I understand that does allow for a deeper exploration of the history that's being revealed, something about this old style of going from place to place felt like a nice road trip of the world Lara visits, that the average person doesn't get to see, and I hope we get a bit of a revisiting of that in the next entry. Also it means more excuses for Lara to try different outfits :)

Playing this game on PC game definitely hurt the experience a bit with all it's bugs, and I would say stick to the console version if you can help it... At least that's what I would say if I didn't find out after my playthrough that turning on vsync fixed pretty much ALL of the issues. PC gaming is such a headache sometimes...

I plan on playing TR6 Angel of Darkness soon since I've become so curious to see first hand why everyone despises it, so much so that Eidos gave the development of Legend to a completely different studio, I can't wait...


Alright so I watched the game on youtube. The gameplay still looks absolutely atrocious. But everything else?? Really damn good honestly! Really cool story direction that is unlike anything we've seen from tomb raider, but still feels like a welcome entry. The tone is amazing, the music, dialogue, characters and cutscenes are great. This incarnation of Lara is my new favourite!

If this game got a resident evil style remake I genuinely think it could be one of the best tomb raider games, although that would never happen :/

I recommend any tomb raider fan at least watches the game, in fact it's probably the best way to experience this unfortunate missed opportunity. You really are not missing out on anything by skipping on playing it yourself. Doing yourself a favour actually.
Original Review:

yeah fuck this

I love how it looks graphically, the ambience has struck me alot already with how little I've experienced. But I just know this ain't gonna be a fun time and I don't have it in me. Maybe a youtube playthrough will be the move.

Suppose I didn't do myself any favours by playing this directly after Legend.

Truly filtered.

A beautiful puzzle adventure about linguistics, culture, and the benefits of understanding one another, inspired by The Tower of Babel.

Chants of Sennaar does a fantastic job with its ludonarrative; The goal is to decipher the languages of different civilizations, achieved by analysing environments and conversations. All the while, we learn about their ways of life and what led them to the current day and the lives they live. This dual purpose really resonated with me, and I personally think it struck an absolutely perfect balance between gameplay depth and narrative substance.

I adored the use of different linguistic mechanics that make you turn your head a little when it comes to certain puzzles (as well as the different script styles inspired by existing languages). It may not be as intricate as it could have been, but it’s enough to make you go “ahhh! cool!” when you notice certain things for the first time.
Thinking about it from the opposite perspective, it was clear that a lot of care was taken into simplifying certain aspects to make sure the puzzle solving felt smooth, accessible and rewarding. An example of how this is done is the removal of many “less interesting” words in the glyphs given to you, such as “the”, and “a”. We only have to focus on the parts that are meaningful to the purpose of the game and its world. The translation experience is finely crafted for that of a game player, and not that of a PhD student, which is what keeps it fun!

Many reviews complain about the stealth sections breaking up the pacing, I disagree with this, possibly due to me being a huge sucker for the narrative. I just found that these sections blended in with the journey so well, added in a unique feeling throughout the exploration that otherwise wouldn't have been felt, and did way more good than any harm they may have done by taking you away from puzzles. They don’t take up that much of the game anyway, and some of them had dialogue to analyse throughout! Keeps the brain thinking in both ways.

Great presentation, with an especially amazing soundtrack. Even though a fair bit of the game had me slowly backtracking, it was just too striking of a world to get very upset about it.

This is definitely up there as one of my favourite puzzle games and I recommend it to anyone who thinks it sounds remotely fun. The morals told are reflected greatly within the gameplay, which is also executed extremely well.