Persona 3 Reload is a fantastic game. The ending brought me to tears, the game being 75% more voiced than previous persona games is fantastic, and it improves upon Persona 3 FES in so many ways. It could have been better than P5R... but it's held back by many problems I have with it. I can respect faithful remakes, and the fact that so much of Reload is unchanged is great, but there are many aspects of the original Persona 3 that Reload should have changed, and didn't. Despite the battle improvements, Tartarus is still as sloggy to play through as ever. Mementos worked because it was supplemental to hand-crafted zelda-like dungeons in P5R (and Ryuji IK), but when 90% of the combat side of the Persona game is just the boring randomly generated labyrinth, it's boring. It can't carry a whole game. This on top of other questionable aspects that Reload kept in, like having to max all stats to unlock the social links for the female party members, it's just egriegous. I wish that Reload had been more experimental with its remake nature, tweaked the core of the game more, but as it is I think its faithfulness is holding it back from being truly one of the best persona games. All of this in consideration, the game could have been a 9 or even a 10, but it's brought down to an 8 because of its issues. It's fantastic, a must-play, the best way to play Persona 3 to date (albeit not definitive, smh Atlus), but I wouldn't rccomend P3R over P5R, or even P4G for that matter. It's fantastic, but it could have been even better.

More Cyberpunk is always good, real good DLC.

My personal favorite game of all time. It changed my life and turned me into a weeb and I wouldn't have it any other way. Got me to love the Persona series and RPGs in general, introducing me to some of my favorite characters in fiction ever. P5R is outstanding.

Great game in spite of its bad visuals. Once you get over that hurdle, this game is really fun, and a great modern Pokemon experience

One of the best Narrative games, this game is really good. I like the show a bit better, but only marginally.

Fuck this game. I can see why people like it but I fucking hate it. This game to me represents the death of good Kojima games in my eyes. No interest in making fun gameplay or a fun story with fun characters, this game is just pure misery on all fronts. Fuck you, Kojima. After I loved Metal Gear Solid V so much, this game feels like Kojima just taking a huge dump on me for wanting a fun spiritual successor to Metal Gear.

Very good game. Fuckin long, a bit glitchy here and there, and painfully linear missions, but very good nonetheless.


The main story of this game fuckin sucks and the gameplay with the main story is jank as fuck but as far as the core survival gameplay loop goes, its addictive. Dont play the main storyline though its terrible