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This game shouldn’t of been made the last of us didn’t need a sequel at all and this along with being an awful sequel no where near as good as the original it brings the first game down in quality too by ruining a part of the ending. First positives the graphics are amazing probably one of the best games graphically and I’m surprised this ever ran on a PS4. The music was fucking outstanding and added so much to the atmosphere of Seattle. Now to the main draw of the game the story fuck me this story was 90% awful with like 10% of it being somewhat of the quality of the first game (mainly the flash back scenes) but the rest was fucking awful with super forgettable characters and a plot that’s just awful constantly juggling under developed villains. Next the gameplay it’s the exact same as the first game from fucking 2013 with no real innovations to gameplay quite shocking considering cod siding call of duty and Ubisoft get flack for the exact same thing, and actually just like the gameplays fucking is just so fucking boring I got sick of it 10 hours in (the campaigns 24-28 hours) and that’s another point like the games so unnecessarily long it feels like naughty dog just stitched 2 different games together went boom Neil you’ve done it again another masterpiece. Overall really disappointing game just shit really this was even made and shout out to that fat guy with the meatiest fist about you had one scene but stole the show.

This games ass, like it’s probably one of the scariest games I’ve played up until chapters 4-6 then like the fucking tedium hits like my dad with just such repetitive missions one after another like Issac fix the air so we can escape then it’s Issac before we can go you need to fix the plumbing and Like at that point after chapter 6 it feels like the game stops being a horror and just goes full action but with the mechanics of a horror game so you just get fucked constantly by enemy’s faster then you, a lack of dodge or having no fucking ammo at all. To the things I did like the first 4 chapters made me shit with scary it was with the enemy’s constantly startling you and hearing whispers of like ghost things. Overall great start shit middle and even shitter end.

Got to say this is probably Ubisoft’s best solo player game even though it really is just watered down version of breath of the wild in almost every way expect the combat that was actually very different from BOTW’s but at the same time I read it’s just the new assassins creed games but more simplified, overall it isn’t terrible but nothing special so it was definitely worth the 20 something quid i got it for

Used to adore Lego games but I’ve kinda fell off the wagon but still a good game