It’s fun and probably ahead of its time but I don’t think it holds up as well compared to recent metroidvanias. thats probably an unfair comparison since Metroid spawned the genre but I find it hard to go back in time. The beginning is easy to follow but then I needed a guide starting with the mid-game.

if you’re a person with limited game-time in your life and k my want to play the best games, I think you can skip this one.

I wish I could remember which YouTubers recommended this so I could unfollow them.

I only played 2.0 update. Solid game but doesn’t reach the heights that Witcher 3 did. Story was fantastic until it started dragging at the very end

Fun game with an enjoyable story, characters, and art. Exploration was fun but I found combat to be a mixed bag. I hit some odd difficulty spikes and the settings to turn the challenge higher or lower are not significant enough. The game would be benefit from better difficulty options because I don’t think the game is worth grinding out a boss for 1-2 hours.

Beautiful, cool, interesting but not fun. Climbing is too simple to be fun. Dropped after a few hours.

Fun idea. Art was interesting but repetitive. Game needs a better map. I dropped this game after a handful of powers because I got tired of getting lost and the controls for the new powers become too finicky especially during backtracking