Bannerlord has easily the best medieval single and large-scale combat of any game, the best weapon crafting system and the best weapon/armour visual design.
Each faction has such an intricate and realistic culture that travelling through different lands feels incredible, the terrain, external and internal architecture, village and castle abundance, troop types, ambience and music (though with limited no. of tracks) are all carefully constructed to create a super immersive experience.

I made the mistake on my first playthrough of trying to role-play a non-combat oriented character. Though there are many ways to interact with and affect the world outside of combat, they're really supplementary mechanics to its fighting-game core. Thinking of it that way, these mechanics function seamlessly.

Massive replayability, complex skill tree, vibrant and exponentially expanding modding scene. I came.

Combat is simple and repetitive, but that's fine because it's so satisfying. Animations are incredibly clean, combos and crits are intuitive but not so easy it's boring. Seriously wish Skyrim's melee combat was like this. All equipment and weapons are also fantastically visually designed. No one's here for the story but that's just as well because whoever wrote the dialogue needs to be shot, it was cringe when I was 10 and it's unbearable now. Extra half a star for combining multiplayer and unique classes/skill trees. Seriously if WitN and Skyrim combined it would be the best high fantasy game of all time