4 reviews liked by Khyber

It's hard to describe why this game is such a masterpiece. It's simple - you move around a screen and your character automatically attacks hordes of monsters. You do this by picking up a variety of power-ups and weapons you find on the map. All you need are the "A,S,W,D" keys since there's no aiming or pressing shoot. The simplicity makes it perfect. There isn't much of a story; but there is progression (as you unlock new characters and abilities overtime). The progression of your skill, unlocks and achievements are perfectly paced so that you cant help but keep coming back for more. This game is a steal for $3! Get it now!!!

Aunque en el momento de escribir esto aun no ha salido la 1.0 (Está ahora mismo en la 0.11) creo que puedo decir que me lo he pasado al 100%, completado la coleccion y desbloqueado al personaje mas roto del juego.

Llevo años viendo rogue likes con cara de asqueo debido a la cantidad exagerada de titulos que salian del género, y me alegra ver uno que se juegue mas ligero y que practicamente ha inventado un subgenero de por si, la cantidad de: Roguelike bullethells a menos de 3 euros que han poppeado en steam no es pequeña, y por buena razon. Es basicamente un juego de movil hasta el punto de que me gustaría una version para android, aunque si tienes una Steam deck es el sitio perfecto para jugarlo, solo necesitas una mano practicamente.

Ultra recomendado echarle un vistazo por su extremadamente bajo precio

The skeleton of one the probably best games that are gonna be made.

I love JRPGs but this just didn't stick with me for reasons I don't really understand. Wanted to like it more.