The best Pokemon I've played it because it cuts through a lot of the bullshit, and has some weird effort put into parts that don't matter at all.

I completed the Pokedex on this one. 720 poking mans. You heard me.

Actual baby game, with some nice casual racism to boot.
Plus it started the Rabbid scourge, which I think also had a part in the Minions craze. Truly a dark chapter that not even Misirlou can save

Visually very endearing, and some of the puzzles are nice to work through, but the sappy piano music, the faux-deep story and some strange gameplay snags leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Thankfully I got it for free, I wouldn't say it's worth more than 10 bucks

The story and the linearity of the missions is incredibly lame. Metal Gear Solid V is superior in most ways.

Hype as fuck, but also easy to understand!

I bought the soundtrack years before I bought the game.

Nobody talks about this one, it's good

Not worth revisiting, tbh.

Story feels like a forgettable B-Movie that has aspirations of being the next Indiana Jones. Resident Evil 4 continues to be the best and most amusing B-Movie equivalent in video games, and I think that's because it is aware of what it is.

I think I knew this game wasn't gonna blow me away, the moment the game wanted me to blow up an "ancient" (?) red exploding barrel next to a big pillar which of course magically pushes it into the needed position. My "immersion" never recovered, and that was about 30 minutes in.

Gunplay is just parely passable (I had it on Hard, fyi).
The impact of the bullets on enemies is really unsatisfying and they move too much around for precise aiming to be rewarded. And don't even get me started on the jet ski passages.

Some of the scenery does give the happenings the needed gravitas and some of the set-pieces were entertaining (like the creatures and the mercs fighting each other), but nothing that will really stick with me.

As of writing I'm now 25% into Uncharted 3, and you really don't need to know the story of the first one to understand the stories or characters of the other ones. Just skip it, and get to Uncharted 2.

Demo impression:
Elegant visuals and I'm sure the late game got some real brain teasers, but a pure puzzle experience just doesn't tickle me anymore. Music was also a bit grating.

P.S. Why do boxes need to have genders? And children?

Fun timewaster, play it on mobile

I had way more fun watching somebody else play