The only value it could possibly hold is as a learning tool for people who have never played games before, but all the shoe-horned references will go right over their head.
For anybody else, it's a substandard RPG with a gimmick that loses its impact 1 1/2 hours in.

The characters don't matter, the story doesn't matter, the world doesn't matter. The combat in the 3D sections is atrocious.

Cool presentation, but the gameplay's too same-y. Dropped it after 8 hours.

Such a goddamn vibe, I want to live in this game's menus

It's a mini-game collection with physics that jank out sometimes, and not a whole lot more

Visually very endearing, and some of the puzzles are nice to work through, but the sappy piano music, the faux-deep story and some strange gameplay snags leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Thankfully I got it for free, I wouldn't say it's worth more than 10 bucks

Demo impression:
Now this! This is a demo that got me hooked!
I had a something of a Pavlovian response with this after playing Persona 5: My mouth almost started watering when I saw twinks with drip walking around Shibuya.
The visuals make me want to open up Photoshop and design urban motifs and the English dub is one of the best I've heard in any media. Period.
I will definitely play the full version someday, this scratches all my current itches.

P.S. I already love with all my heart the weird math guy who dresses in all black.

P.P.S. Is this tangibly connected to the Final Fantasy franchise? I know that some of the same staff worked on it, but the moogle, Chocobo and Cactuar chat stickers got me raising an eyebrow.

Demo impression:
The combat and very basic movement mechanics aren't my cup of tea, but I can appreciate the presentation.

Demo impression:
Elegant visuals and I'm sure the late game got some real brain teasers, but a pure puzzle experience just doesn't tickle me anymore. Music was also a bit grating.

P.S. Why do boxes need to have genders? And children?

Demo impression:
I would love to be this creative. WarioWare is always able to channel that "Magnificent chaos" energy. I wish the character models were also handdrawn, and it veers kind of into mobile game territory with its gameplay, but I had fun for the little time of the demo and the music mostly slaps.

Demo impression:
Interesting idea, but lacking in varied ways of interacting.
Art style and visual feedback is well done, but the voice acting from Fate did not impress me. Sounds like a G-man impression somebody took out of the oven too soon.

Finally beat the godforsaken Radiance. Must have taken me 40+ attempts.
Great animation, game feel and world building, but if I'm ever playing this again, then it will be with a Cheat Engine to skip certain parts that I despise.

P.S. Everybody rants and raves about the soundtrack, but it mostly does nothing for me. Dung Defender and Main Theme are the only things I can really stand by.

Review of Version 0.9.9:
Incredible presentation, but the gameplay loop I feel doesn't reward interactivity enough and I feel isn't challenging in the right ways. Games of this nature that do gameplay better imo are FTL and "The Consuming Shadow" by Yahtzee Croshaw.

Review of the Multiplayer on the Free Weekend:
I was curious after years of not playing Call of Duty (the last one I actually spent more than an hour in at a friend's house being Black Ops 2) how the multiplayer actually feels to play.
And I got major league addicted.
The animations are slick and procedural, it looks stunning yet runs a smooth 60 on my mid-spec hardware even at 100+ FOV, the movement has that reasonable depth with sliding and diving, and the guns feel viscerally fun to shoot.
And the clusterfuck on Shipment where at the end I just ran around with a combat knife, a ballistic shield and semtex was the most fun that I had in a video game this year.

As a timewaster you can zone out in while listening to a podcast, it's pure gold, but with an annual franchise I question how long you actually get to have fun with this game until the servers get shut off or the playerbase becomes tiny.

Look everybody, it's the Egoraptor and Tomamoto Fun Hour!

Jokes aside, this reeks of Newgrounds flash game. Cool and sharp sprite work, but then they hit you with them super-compressed SFX and amateur voice acting.
A lot of it I just couldn't stand clicked through it.

The mystery and all the clues are well done, I'll give them that. But on it's own, not terribly interesting.
If you want a well-drawn Professor Layton-esque then this is probably for you.

I just played this because I heard good things about Tangle Tower, and wanted to start at the first game.