Here's each party member's favorite From Software game:

Estelle: Dark Souls 2. (Nobody is perfect I guess.)

Olivert: Bloodborne. (Actually, this ins't his favorite, he just likes people to know he has a ps5.)

Kloe: Elden Ring. (She often says that Mountaintop of the giants is not that bad.)

Joshua: Kuon. (Dude is just edgy as hell.)

Agate: Sekiro Shadows die Twice. (He believes that Sword Saint Isshin Ashina is one of the best final bosses of all time, and you know what? He goddamn right.)

Tita: Armored Core: For Answer. (Honestly, I don't think I need to explain.)

Zin: King's Field. (And of course this old ass boomer often says that all games after demon's souls are garbage.)

Scherazard: None. (This bitch is too busy drinking all day to play video games)

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2023


1 year ago

Joshua is pretty damn edgy cause i didnt even know Kuon was a game and that it was made by FromSoftware

1 year ago

Cheirazard ia dizer que o melhor é evergrace e nunca jogar o jogo, so ouvir as 3 musiquinha no youtube