I kinda fucking hate this game. I hate the football guys, I hate Yoshi's cowardly ass, I hate the way secrets are laid out. I played this for so long because I kept hearing it's one of the best games ever made and I was hoping it would click at some point, but it never did so instead I just used the secret woods warp to the final level cause I couldn't handle it anymore.

But as much as I hate this game, it's too well made for me to give it anything lower than a 3/5. Whatever, the other Mario platformers are better.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024


Why do you hate the secrets

28 days ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 - I just really did not enjoy the level design and hated having to go back through the levels to get to the secret routes--only to find out it isn't at all worth it cause the secret levels suck too.
Ah I see, I actually really loved finding all the secret exits..dare I say one of my favorite aspects of the game but cant win em all

27 days ago

GET EM Kendrick, Yeah I appreciate this game cause I played it while growing up but even then I was thinking "This is really not much better than SMB3" SMB3 vibes and immaculate

27 days ago

I'm with you, fk mario's stupid ass.