60 Reviews liked by Kimentar

IF WHAT?????

IF WHAT ??? TELL ME ?????????
IF WHAT?????

de todos smt que eu já joguei esse foi o pior

6.7| O Mais injustiçado dos SMT's?
O jogo não é nem 10% ruim quanto a comunidade faz parecer. O domain of Sloth não é esse monstro de sete cabeças que dizem ser, os fuma bells tão aí não é à toa.
Tem uma premissa muito bem executada, centrando sua trama neste personagem interessantíssimo que é o Hazama em várias rotas diferentes, com companions diferentes, em um jogo mais curto, porém conciso e facilmente rejogável.
Não é nem um pouco injusto tal qual o primeiro SMT, mas ainda passa bem aquela sensação de ter de escolher entre apanhar de cinta ou apanhar de chinelo que esses jogos tanto prezam.
Acho que a única falha crítica desse jogo é ter sido um proto-persona, dando crias malditas.

I haven't touched Akira's route yet at the time of writing, so my feelings may change with time, but man this game is good. It's by no means perfect (we'll get to that), and I do wish it hadn't completely done away with the post-apocalyptic setting of the previous two games, but if what you're after is just straight dungeon crawling without any filler*, then this is the game for you. There are tons of quality of life changes made from SMT2 that make the game a lot better to play, the soundtrack just takes all the compositions that worked and adds to them, and in general this feels like the devs taking what they learnt and building upon it.

All that being said, this game has one absolutely MASSIVE flaw, which is the Domain of Sloth. This dungeon is one of the absolute worst pieces of game design I've ever seen, and almost singlehandedly killed my motivation for the game. When I give this game 4 stars, I am choosing to mostly overlook this dungeon, because it's so bad that I don't even feel like it's fair to count it, especially when the rest of the game is as good as it is. If you haven't played the game before you might be thinking "oh it can't possibly be that bad", but trust me it is. The Domain of Sloth forces you to grind, but not just in the sense of needing to level up more to overcome a tough difficulty spike, no this dungeon literally locks progression behind walking back and forth for several hours. In any game this would be bad enough on its own, but one of the core mechanics of this game is that there are multiple distinct routes with unique content, and 3/4 of them visit the Domain of Sloth. So this dungeon isn't just badly designed, it goes against the design of the rest of the game.

Overall though, this game really is quite good. The Domain of Sloth may kill it for some, but I do feel like beyond that there's still a great game to be had.

an absolute classic that's hard to recommend

Shin Megami Tensei fue toda una experiencia, muy bueno en unos aspectos, y ha envejecido mal en otros. Entre las cosas que más me gustaron se encuentra su historia y la ambientación que genera, potenciada gracias a su perspectiva en primera persona. Me es difícil explicarlo, pero es fascinante como logra muy bien su cometido de hacerte sentir que estás en un Tokyo infestado de demonios. Su soundtrack también es muy bueno y ayuda a la ambientación. El sistema de peleas es normalito, básico, pero cumple

Y ya yendo a sus puntos negativos, se encuentra el apartado gráfico, que a pesar de que hicieron lo que se pudo en la época, la verdad es que ha envejecido mal, pero sobre todo, lo ambiguo que resulta saber qué tienes que hacer o hacia dónde tienes que ir. He de advertir que la dificultad también es muy hardcore, pero no puedo tomarlo como un punto negativo ya que el juego está diseñado para ser así

Me encantaría que le hagan un remake algún día porque, repito, su historia y ambientación tienen muchísimo que ofrecer, pero el juego ha envejecido mal en otros aspectos. Sin embargo, en retrospectiva puedo ver a su versión original con mucho cariño y encanto

Really fun time if you're a fan of those mazes they have on kids menus at restaurants

as much as I love the SMT franchise as a whole I have no plans in playing such a badly aged game and trust me I tried lol sorry

Rpg extrêmement singulier pour l'époque, c'est assez innovant dans son approche. La BO est très bonne, la vue FPS fonctionne bien, l'ambiance est assez bien retranscrite mais malheureusement beaucoup trop répétitif. Tout était déjà là pour ce qui allait suivre avec la série Persona donc on peut que admirer.

Digital Devil Story Megami Tensei Remaster
A game that while it took me a while and was very grindy, had an atmosphere, OST and history that made it all worth it
This has been something I've fucked about with for close to 4 years now and after the last week or 2 of just blasting it out it's finally done, I've beaten the remaster of Digital Devil Story
Fuck what to say about this game apart from it's a solid first person dungeon crawler that has given me such a massive appreciation for the entire MegaTen series as a whole
Was it hell, yes
Did I like it, also yes
Genuinely cannot recommend this game to anyone since a lot of it is just grinding till you can take down the next boss but fuck it I liked it for some reason
An amazing OST, atmosphere to die for is what makes this game, if you don't fuck with it completely understandable
But I ate that shit up even if it did take me a while
Another checked off the list
A good one, not one I regret

Akemi Nakajima is so funny man

This game is insanely boring. Most if not all demons can be defeated simply by using auto battle and dungeon exploration is extremely tedious. I wouldn't bother unless you're morbidly curious like I was.

Edit: I didn't get very far when playing through this game and finishing Megami Tensei II has made me consider going back to this one and giving it a proper chance. I'm not sure as to when that will be though.

Un juego enorme, pero que es demasiado difícil de explorar en la actualidad.