60 Reviews liked by Kimentar

absolutely delightful. Satisfying gameplay, great visual design, and a story I really enjoyed. The conclusion of chapter one is phenomenal.

I didn't get into this game much, but it was incredibly fun. I got a bit bogged down when the game turned from a top-down shooter to more of a puzzle game, this happened especially in later levels. This game is still fun though, and still worth playing.

there definitely is something to this game with the style, the general gameplay, and it having a lot of moments where they switch up the gameplay, but there are just so many frustrating parts to this game that drove me insane while playing it. the weird helicopter shmup section was really bad, the 7 force boss was insanely difficult and sometimes just complete bullshit, the fortress casino area is a cool idea but really annoying sometimes, and the final level requiring you to ration out enough health to be able to live to tank hits from the final boss was ridiculous. i feel like a lot of my frustration went away after beating some of these difficult areas because they felt somewhat rewarding after the fact, but in the moment they are just kinda bullshit at times because theres either too many things on screen to be able to dodge or the game just places you somewhere where you have no choice but to get hit, its definitely a problem with this game being on the gba. the game did overall feel fun to play in all of the other parts but just has glaringly bad moments that are more memorable than the good moments and are hard to overlook

Man, I don’t think ANYONE saw this thing coming when it was first announced.

So it’s basically 48 tracks ported right over from Tour, meaning that the graphics aren’t all there, but I never found it as bad as people said it was, they at least put in the effort of tweaking the lighting some. The track selection is, honestly, pretty good! Didn’t get everything I personally wanted (Mushroom City, please come home) but I think it’s a mostly decent selection all around.

Except they didn’t bring back Figure 8 Circuit. They had a second chance to do the funniest thing ever and they missed it. Fair enough, now I never want to see that track again as long as I live.
Also weird that they skipped on exactly one Tour original track. I think I could’ve slept just fine knowing SNES Mario Circuit 2 didn’t get ported over.

Oh yeah, and we also got new characters in the back half! Diddy bros, we are so back.

So overall, $25 for 48 new (to this game) tracks, 8 new characters, about a zillion Mii costumes and a sound test is a great deal in my eyes, shoots some life into a game that is somehow almost a decade old and reminds me that time is crumbling all around us. How’d that happen?

Now that that’s over I want 9 on my desk by 2026. And Kirby better be in it this time, I still feel ripped off.

The memes. Great hack and slash, great characters, great boss fights. There's a reason this game came back into the spotlight.

Mariachi furioso demais pra morrer aniquila o senador dos estados unidos

Sinceramente, quem acha que este jogo destoa muito de metal gear não deve ter jogado a mesma franquia que eu joguei.
Essa excelente entrada da franquia consegue ser tão diferente em gênero, mas ao mesmo tempo tão fiel aos aspectos basilares da franquia, que chega a ser inacreditável. Cada idiossincrasia da série é muito bem utilizada aqui.
Bosses icônicos, conversas por codec extremamente interessantes e que adicionam muito à história e ao mundo do jogo também, trilha sonora fenomenal e muito shoff-off kojimesco, mesmo que ele não estivesse diretamente envolvido.
Tem tudo que um jogo de metal gear tem a oferecer e tudo que um hack n slash da platinum games tem também

Com 12 anos eu peguei emprestado esse jogo de um homem espadas cortando um bicho no meio, não tem uma capa mais pica que essa.
Cheguei até o Sundowner sem saber como ativava o modo de cortar tudo em slow motion e travei na última fase do Armstrong pois não sabia defender, deixando uma última frase na minha memória antes de dropar o jogo
"Advogados de pau mole".
Com 19 anos, um PS3 emprestado e sangue nos olhos, eu passei pelo jogo inteiro dessa vez sabendo como que jogava e finalmente derrotei esse senador desgraçado, com um momento digno de tirar selfie com o cadáver dele caído na cutscene.
E a OST do jogo é muito foda e foi um dos motivos de eu voltar pro game pela nostalgia, eu fiquei muito feliz de ver um jogo que eu joguei na infância sendo bem falado como esse jogo foi quando entrou no hype em 2021-2022.

Shin Megami Tensei If... is certainly nowhere near as good as the previous two entries in the series, like SMT 1 and 2, and if you didn't like the previous two entries in the series, you'll find nothing to appreciate here. With all that said, saying this game is under at least a solid 3 stars really isn't valid in my personal opinion. The gameplay is very similar to SMT 1 and 2, so that can be a pro or con depending on your takes on those games. The story is straight forward and simple, but that isn't a bad thing. Some of the new mechanics introduced in the game serve as pre-cursors to the Persona series, which is interesting. If anything, the game falls into the same trappings as most early SMT games. With that being said, there are some aspects of this game that are downright awful, such as the World of Sloth (which is made obvious in some of the other reviews). The multiple story routes are interesting, and add a bit of depth to each of your companion characters. Otherwise, the hate for this game is mostly un-warranted, as unless you didn't like the first two games in the series, your getting pretty much the same experience here.

Shin Megami Tensei 2 with none of the cool story and all of the tedium. new mechanics like the "Guardian Angel" system feel like they got a quick blurb written down and then were immediately programmed in. the alternate routes are botched; two of them are essentially duplicates and another offers just one unique dungeon and no proper climax, the post-game route is the only unique one.

if you've not played the previous games it could be quite enjoyable, otherwise it's too much of the same. the PlayStation port has some additions that slightly improve the game, and you're not missing out on anything by playing that over SNES... unless you can't speak Japanese.

we waited 25 years for one the blandest SMT games

Haha SMT If..., more like If... it was good. This SMT entry was made in less than 6 months and it definitely shows. I’ll start by focusing on the two worst dungeons in the game (World of Sloth and World of Envy) to give a good idea of how bad this game is.

World of Sloth: Oh boy... the main gimmick of this dungeon is walking around in circles and each full moon cycle students dig one block deeper, with the ultimate goal to get to the buried ring. How long does this take? Well it took me like 5 hours even on turbo mode..... yeah.... it’s really really bad...

World of Envy: Can’t get worse than World of Sloth right? Wrong! This dungeon has you running around completely blind with the screen being completely covered in blue... Just use your map right? Wrong! You also lose access to your COMP so that means no map... Sure you can use mapper skill but it isn’t useful at all especially when you get to the last area which has you walking between two areas with identical layouts so you never know which you are in (or the fact that there are two). I had to look up a video guide to get past this dungeon and even then it was hard to follow because I couldn’t tell which area they were in and it is hard to follow a video when the screen is blank.

Gameplay wise it is like classic SMT with the guardian system as a twist. Guardians, which would later go on to inspire personas, are given to the player and their companion after a bar is filled up (or isn’t) once they die. Unfortunately, this means if you die before your bar is filled up to a certain amount then your guardian is downgraded along with your stats. This adds extra tedium to an already tedious and grindy game. Save points are also extremely rare (only appearing once in every other dungeon) so don’t expect reloading your save if you get a bad guardian to be a good strategy unless you’re prepared to lose a lot of progress.

Now onto story! Expecting a good story? Too bad! This was a rushed game developed in less than 6 months and reuses all of smt 1&2s assets including its music so did you really think they’d have the time to add a story? The beginning of the game starts off with the protagonist’s school being transported into the expanse by Ideo Hazama, the main antagonist of the “story”. You, the protagonist, and one of the three companions that you choose to determine the story’s route and go into the expanse collecting rings in order to escape. Do note that Charlie’s and Yumi’s routes are just incomplete versions of Reiko’s so if you want the full story make sure to choose Reiko (you’ll have to look up a guide on how to get her it is complicated). After leaving the school building the story comes to a halt until the ending of the game. The main “plot points” during the story consists of Hazama occasionally poping up to say something and the comic relief minor antagonist, the science teacher Otsuki, coming to fight you. Other than that it is pure dungeon crawling with no dialogue outside of bland npcs (not even your partner speaks majority of the game!!). After completing the game you get access to the second campaign through Akira’s route. I only played a couple hours of Akira’s route before dropping it so I can’t comment on it but from what I played it is slightly better than the main routes (which is a very very very low bar).

All in all, I do not recommend playing this game even for sport. If you want to play a terrible megaten game to put yourself through torture (which is weird, why would you want to do that???) there are worse megaten games than this such as last bible special and megami tensei 1.

Jogão, se vc achou ruim vai tomar no seu cu, simples.

Queria jogar o do Megami Tensei If do Hazama