7 reviews liked by Kingwel

So I have been playing this game for a few days and I'm actually pretty optimistic about it and it's future.

The comparisons to Pokemon Go are inevitable and, while this game has way less stuff to do, the gameplay is actually good. The controls and what you are able to do in hunts against big monsters surprised me, it makes me wish for a full mobile game with those mechanics, as the gps and ar part of the game is the worst part of it.

I don't see most people who regularly play Pokemon Go getting into this game though. It's very different and if you are going on a walk you'll probably want to catch pokemon and spin pokestops, as opposed to take your time hunting big monsters that may need more of your concentration and your time.

The gameplay loop is very simplistic, so far, and there's not much to do... I typically open the app, do a few hunts, get materials then close the app.

When you progress and get access to the higher difficulty hunts and the other available weapons, the game evolves from just button mashing (or phone mashing?) to having actual good boss battles, making it an actual monster hunter game, just simplified. I see the potential for some great boss fights in the future, maybe even some big raids?

The game also looks and sounds great. Overall I liked what I've played so far, let's see if Monster Hunter Now survives for more than a year.

Game won't stop flashing lights all over the place, mechanics are constantly introduced and thrown away that get in the way of me trying to enjoy what seems like a rhythm game that can't decide how it wants to handle, and the music style isn't bad but not really my thing. Mind you I only played half the game, but in that time span I had less and less fun with each level and my interest was already dwindling from the first level. If you want a unique flashy experience with hidden meaning that's a bitch to dig out, this is probably for you. Sure as hell isn't for me.

The game's artists are obviously very skilled. As an art piece, it's interesting, but as a video game, it felt disjointed.

If you decide to play it, be aware there are a lot of flashing lights and it is not recommended to those prone to epilepsy.

I've known about Ending D in the original Nier even before Automata and sadly before I played it. So to have a new ending that absolutely destroys me in a new way is a welcome treat in my eyes!

I could post a lengthy review but right now I really don't want to, go play this game if you haven't yet, games like the original Nier getting spotlight like this is something we should all be celebrating.

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[This was a replay for the first time in a few years]

Not shocked to find I still like this game. I'm a sucker for whatever Suda puts out. Happy to admit it. He's my favourite. This is no different. A competent hack-and-slasher oozing with style that often compensates for lack of substance? You bet yer arse!

Despite that, there's something there. I like these characters, shallow as they are. I enjoy the combat, likely due to missions being short enough to not feel like a slog. I love selling my dick so I can receive the gift of a drill arm. These are all good things.

this is the best bad game ive played

the game is clunky, rushed, performs as well as a damp flipbook and a lot of characterisation for the cast is hidden behind a stupid pay wall....this is one of my favourite games of all time.