i like that the protag is just a fucking weirdo

hey look everybody! spongebob's back!

magolor is MY best friend. i would let him have the crown as a little treat

getting killed in this game makes me feel so stupid like oh yeah when i get hit by an attack i lose health

tbh i think its a bit of a shame that whenever devs try to make an “indie crossover game” they potentially struggle to gain relevancy because they don’t include only the well known heavy-hitters, the indie scene doesn’t have to be just shovel knight, meat boy, and bit.trip you guys!!!!!!! play some indie games that dont have 100k+ reviews on steam for gods sake!!

enough about that, indie pogo is visually, quite delightful, every fighter is really fun to look at, there’s actually a lot of specific visual flair that i really enjoyed, like each stage having unique countdown animations, i thought that was cute. they managed to make welltaro look like, cute, and not this weird pointy-limbed thing that fraymakers did. as well, the trophy system is a fun way to include some smaller-scale indie stuff without having to go through the effort of making a whole new fighter. (underhero rep will always win me over tbqh)

the gameplay itself is… fine? the pogo mechanic won’t click with everyone and that’s fine, im all for weirdo game ideas, although, movement could stand to be a little quicker. personally i thought it was pretty fun once i played around in singleplayer modes, although i imagine the player base has gotten to that point where its small enough that everyone who still plays regularly is a god gamer so going online basically means you’re going to get bodied instantly (i didnt touch the online so i might just be talking out of my ass). also the boss at the end of the arcade mode is a motherfucker

spooky’s is a very interesting game, it’s sort of a weird, double-layered joke, spinning a typical “haha horror game that very blatantly makes fun of horror games” demeanor into a very legitimate and decently solid attempt at like, you know, actual horror. i would probably describe it as taking the piss out of games that are themselves taking the piss out of indie horror games.

my main issue with the game comes from the main campaign’s pacing, the randomly generated rooms will just never live up to how interesting and unique each specimen’s little intro setpieces are, even if the chases afterwards are fairly fun and tense (at least, the first time you encounter them)

fun little game! it's very much inspired by the rhythm heavens of the past, which i think is fine! it's definitely not as polished as those titles, but for a 15 dollar indie game i think it's definitely worth the price.

my only issue would probably be that the tutorials never felt too helpful? i actually found that the metronome they give you for them was too distracting, which is probably just a me thing. i clicked with most levels pretty quickly regardless though!

siactro games are cute! for like 3 bucks, its a perfectly acceptable time. honestly, im less likely to revisit it compared to something like toree or macbat, which is honestly fine. i think more games that are just one and done little adventures is a good thing.

pretty much every time i told someone i was playing this they were genuinely surprised

games that really wouldve worked with rhythm game mechanics

this game has some of my favorite art and character design directions of any video game i've ever played, it's pretty good

gameplay-wise, ive revisted this game since the EA launch and honestly? a lot of much needed changes have made it WAY more enjoyable to play, i'd say check it out if you're still on the fence about it

the fact they got jacksepticeye to voice a guy named shawn flynn is fucking hilarious

wat if you were a terraria mod and you added Obnoxious Fucking Lategame Subcrafting

not rating this one because its not out yet, i just played the next fest demo

i'm not particularly smart enough to put into words the way i felt about this game and its visual style, but i do agree with the dev, ghost dresses is an incredibly good idea