15 reviews liked by Kitka

Mods take the best survival game ever made and somehow make it better.
Recommended Mods:
Calamity (this is hell but so rewarding)
Thorium (vanilla+)
Fargo's Souls (LONGEST crafting recipes in any game)

I went into this blind without ever playing a STALKER game before and didn't use any mods. This game has some of the best atmosphere of any game I've played. They nailed the setting perfectly. This game has a lot of player-choice and you can determine the outcome of almost every event. Your actions are meaningful and affect things like the allies you can recruit into your squad and the ending of the game.

The only one of the series that is playable and enjoyable unmodded. Very janky, basic gameplay loop of completing quests to buy better gear to do harder quests, but there is no feeling like getting ambushed at night by mutants in a radioactive swamp, with heavy rain obscuring your already limited vision. The "Zone" in the game has an undescribable attraction to it's inhabitants, and the same is true for the game itself. Play this first and then progress to the others if you want more.

This is one of my favorite games of all time, the game is great because of the amount of detail, for example you can walk around the city, find a random guy, talk to him and move on, or go to Skadovsk, have a drink and maybe spend the night there or just hang out. Despite the fact that the game is very old, it has not lost its relevance today, with or without mods. There's a lot more to this game: funny dialogue, a good story and good side missions, a very nice open world, and if you get bored you can just sit by the fire and listen to the stalker play the guitar. There are many other things in this game. But yes, this game is very polished and easy to get into.

I wish this got more love from the devs.

I WILL ADMIT. Funner with mods, not as good as Terraria, but this game has a PLACE IN MY HEART OKAY!! And I LOVE SPACE AND NO ONE CAN TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME

I love this game so much for what it could have been.

Overhated, but I am also baffled how these guys pretty concretely had a lot of unpaid labor from beginning devs and they never really apologized or made amends and they just keep trucking

It's sad that when you're recommended this game, you are required to download mods to make the game not only more enjoyable, but fundamentally playable. But, i can see why cause this base game is horrendous, with point A to point B fetch quests, poor performance and while the lore is a plus to keep you hooked its not that fleshed out overall. Gameplay is also jank beyond belief and is on par on the snooze scale as base Terraria is, requiring an alarm set every 30 mins or so to keep you from passing out. Now im sure if I got 25-40 mods installed and rearranged Starbound so it became a totally different game, ya it be more fun but that really speaks volumes for the state of this game currently

Dwarf Fortress for people that get overwhelmed trying to learn dwarf fortress. I've lost a lot of my life to this game and probably will lose lots more until I am senile.

can you really mark this game as "complete" ? I guess you can if you manage to escape the planet but who really does that i wonder? I think it's more fun watching your colonies crash and burn in silly and absurd ways.

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