MGT 2 is, in my opinion, the best management/creation game ever made. I don't really play to win, but more for the RP, I imagine myself creating a company from A to Z and creating my dream games, the games are extremely complete (much more than any other game of the style on the market.)

One of the game's problems is that it's just too complete, there are lots of useless things in general (except in RP of course) and towards the end of the game it becomes extremely easy and almost impossible to go bankrupt. The beginning of the game, on the other hand, is pretty well balanced.

There are also too many themes, which is neither good nor a problem in the sense that for RP it's fine, but for people who play without RP it's pretty useless (I wonder if such people exist in this type of game).

In any case, I highly recommend it, it's an excellent game with a long lifespan that excels in its field.
(Sorry for my English, it's not my native language)

Some people say that this game resembles Terraria or that it's a lesser Terraria, and I absolutely disagree, the 2 games have their own qualities and their own faults, only the graphic style resembles it. Starbound is an excellent game not for its story but for its gameplay, I didn't play it during its beta I bought it on steam on January 29th 2019 and I played it in cracked version before that in 2018. I currently have +300 hours of games on steam and in total I must be around 400/450 hours.

I digress, Starbound is a game with a lot of replayability (maybe as much as Terraria on some points but I'll get to that.) Admittedly the game in Vanilla is rather repetitive after one or two saves and becomes boring with some of its quests, which is why you have to turn to mods. We're lucky Starbound has a huge community active in the modding scene, and even today new mods come out every day, some good, some bad.

With the right modpack or even just friends, the game can become a lot of fun for the price (knowing that it's possible to get it cheaper on certain sites or during sales). I'm currently playing a game with a rather large modpack (Definitive Diverse Universe {Redux} by Kombosabo (a modpack with over 500 mods and still supported by the modpack's creator)) which is also multiplayer compatible.

Starbound is a game where, unfortunately, you don't have to concentrate too much on the story itself but where you have to play as you wish, the game is fun as long as you have a certain imagination, even if I admit that it wouldn't appeal to everyone. I hope my Starbound review helps a few people to finally buy it or play it again.