6 reviews liked by KitsuneArtist

this game fucking sucks every minute was miserable as the manager

Tried playing this game for the first time about a year ago and shelved it, then came back recently after I did a marketing internship and yeah I get it now

okay FINE kitsu i'll give it a score



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i waited. SO LONG. for this game to come out. i was so fucking excited. the game was amazing in its first half, i loved all the characters, i loved every single thing about it.

the last half of this game might be one of the most soul-crushing experiences i've ever had in a game. there's genuinely nothing good i can say about it.

so let's get into it.

in chapter 4, the main city the player takes residence in during 3/4 is attacked by the MIASMA, however you manage to fight it off. it comes back, and this time, isabel and alva are both injured (but mainly alva)

what follows is the dumbest plot decision in any game i've played. Alva's fate is thrown around so much, changing from "she's injured" to "she's dead" to "she's injured" again. Isabel, because there are apparently NO hospitals or healthcare in one of the FEW REMAINING CITIES decides to take her to THE EDGE OF THE FUCKING CONTINENT JUST TO GET HER BACK TO HEALTH. SPOILER ALERT SHE DIES ON THE WAY THERE.

i would go into the rest of the plot. how daniel and william's plot has the worst ending imaginable, how the Mother is not even slightly fleshed out enough or an interesting concept to begin with, how this game is honestly a fucking disgrace at "representation" when it treats its two lesbian characters so badly that one is left dead and the other is presumed dead (but they didn't care enough to follow up on what happens to her anyway so </3)

but i'm tired. i'm tired of talking about this game. i've explained to so many of my friends why I hate it. why it's the worst game I've ever played. so i don't fucking care to explain it again.

fuck Eastward.