Genuine OuterWilds-likes

For those who played Outer Wilds, and have a desperate craving for more, but cannot be satisfied by just any space game or metroidvania. These games emphasize knowledge-based progression and are best experienced with as few spoilers as reasonably possible.

What I'm tentatively calling OuterWilds-likes until a better alternative rises (like how "first-person shooter" rose to replace "Doom clone") are also known as metroidbrainias, brainvanias, Myst-likes, iceberg games, or knowledge-based unlocks.

I haven't found many games I consider genuine OuterWilds-likes, and would love to receive suggestions for more to play/devour/add to the list. Not taking suggestions for Edith Finch, Dark Souls, or [insert whatever game is your current favorite regardless of genre]. I've included The Witness despite it being a bit shit because this list is intended as a genre tag and not necessarily a voucher of quality.

The official DLC that absolutely captures what I love about the base game. Outer Wilds felt complete before, but now I can't imagine it without this. Do not sleep on Echoes of the Eye. Avoid spoilers.
OuterWilds-like knowledge progression overlaid onto a furry Legend of Zelda. Also its boss design is ridiculous, the worst Tunic boss is better than the best Dark Souls boss.
Knowledge-based progression overlaid onto a Sokoban puzzler with eldritch-horror vibes
Word puzzles with global rules to learn. It's the best parts of The Witness and Antichamber without the bad parts.
Line puzzles with global rules to learn. It's a bit shit due to being designed by Jonathan Blow, but still counts. There are certain parts you have to skip/back-out-of if you're epileptic, Deaf, colorblind, have aphantasia, or if you're less-than-highly-resistant to motion sickness, because Blow gives zero fucks about accessibility.


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