Ctrl Alt Ego is a phenomenal game that made me (an immersive sim hater) into an fan. My favourite part of the game is that you don't have to play any specific style compared to other immersive sims where if you do a certain thing you get bad results. The game is completely free and it shines in the last chapter where it's completely open.

I feel nostalgic already about the first few levels of the game and that should be saying something. Game is definitely worth the value.

A better WarioWare for PC with cool skeletons and ample amounts of calcium

There's hardly any content in the game you can access easily, I had fun the first 10 hours but after realising everything is the same and you get 1 new content type after 5 hours of playing it gets boring and stale. Not to mention the awful layering that causes bullets that you can't see to hit you. Overall this game would be worth the money if it was the only thing you play for a month and had no other activities you could partake in.

This game is a GEM. It's definitely one of my most favourite kart racer out of the bunch. Too bad you can't buy it on steam anymore but you can get keys on some 3rd party sites.

Ubisoft should take more time to develop games. The polish is visible but I'm afraid RPG elements just do not work with an assassin setting. I despise the enemy I've assassinated only take quarter of their health as damage and continue to trample over me. Towards the end the game would crash constantly (I'm talking once every ~15 minutes) and that soured my mood for sure. I'll still be giving this a 2.5 star as it's nothing special, not a bad game whatsoever but suffers from technical issues and bad design decisions.

A GREAT boomer shooter with very fun weapons and enjoyable level design overall. I especially like the art direction, game is like a fever dream sometimes.

I didn't believe Mobius would be able to top off what they'd done with Outer Wilds but they have. It's absolutely the greatest DLC I have ever played. You haven't completed Outer Wilds if you haven't played this. It's essentially a must-play if you liked the base game.

Probably the best game I've ever played. It's so different than everything else but that isn't the only reason why it's so great. It's one of those games you can only play once, I hope more developers try "experimental" story telling techniques and gameplay loops like this because when it sticks, oh it sticks. I highly recommend it to anyone. It's on Game Pass too so you can try it out.