I just can't get into it. The missions are so repetitive and boring, also the cutscenes at the start and end about the characters starring IN THE MISSION YOU'RE ABOUT TO ENTER spoil EVERYTHING. I tried to like this game about 3 times and I always quit some time after getting into the second map. Sure there may be insane sandbox potential but I just couldn't tap into that. Shame.

To be honest, If I had played this game in a bubble with no prior experience from any other games I would have really really liked it. Unfortunately I have played Sekiro and Elden Ring. This game's parry system is ass, enemies delay their attacks that makes it look silly and not fun to play against, and delayed attacks mostly have animations that you cannot physically react to, so you have to memorise how long you have to wait which is not fun for me in the slightest. Towards the end almost every boss has a second phase which gets tiring really fast. The element system is good and weapon alteration is fun. That's about it, it's a solid game that is pushed back by trying to make it difficult without going through the right procedures and it feeling artificial afterwards.

Possibly the greatest mutliplayer shooter I've ever played. It's a shame it will never make it as big as other shooters because of the attention span of most people of our age.

Another great game by Daniel Mullins. The game can be split into three parts, my ranking of them goes like this 1>>>3>>2. I'm not really into card games but this game was incredibly fun. I don't really care for the overarching story in-between games but for those who do there's a lot to enjoy.

I didn't believe Mobius would be able to top off what they'd done with Outer Wilds but they have. It's absolutely the greatest DLC I have ever played. You haven't completed Outer Wilds if you haven't played this. It's essentially a must-play if you liked the base game.

Brilliant, absolutely amazing. My only wish is that this concept is extended upon; maybe a sequel with a lot more playtime. The "feel" of the game is brilliant, I don't remember having this much fun ever from such a small game!

This game is great, don't get me wrong, but the abundance of content everywhere (and ones that are quite repetitive) bring the greatest moments of this game down. I loved the depths but I loathed how empty it was, empty as in copy pasted content all over. The story was surprisingly very good and had me hooked all the way to the end, I especially liked the last boss fight when it was a one-on-one. But for me, Breath of the Wild will still be the better game from this series; even though it may feel like an early access game after playing this one, TOTK takes content too far and fills the world with too many activities (most of which I did not want to partake in).

Ctrl Alt Ego is a phenomenal game that made me (an immersive sim hater) into an fan. My favourite part of the game is that you don't have to play any specific style compared to other immersive sims where if you do a certain thing you get bad results. The game is completely free and it shines in the last chapter where it's completely open.

I feel nostalgic already about the first few levels of the game and that should be saying something. Game is definitely worth the value.

If you used hints you're a loser

My blood pressure is 300. This game is made for the tiktok generation of kids, there is 0 chill.

After playing Elden Ring and Sekiro I was curious about the game and series that started it all. I think it's up there with the best decisions I've made in my life.

The map of this game is better than any game I've ever played. It's so intertwined and interconnected every corridor can lead you to anywhere within the map and it all makes sense in a normal Euclidean plane (No cheating with portals etc.). You'll climb a ladder for like half a minute but it WILL connect to the place you were at earlier. It's like they challenged themselves to make the map as compact as possible yet it's still so huge. And the sights are so beautiful I find it hard to explain. This one's definitely a one you'll have to experience for yourself.

The boss fights themselves are great except a few but nothing to write home about in my opinion but that doesn't mean they aren't great fun, especially the DLC bosses.

The DLC is a nice short little adventure that I enjoyed thoroughly and I recommend anyone that liked the base game to give it a shot.

Most people find that the latter half of the game is empty with a lot of running and not enough content compared to the first, I will agree that they're emptier in terms of content but I will say that I enjoyed them at least as much as I did the first half of the game. The sights towards the end of the game trump the areas you're in at the start for sure.

This game is 5 stars, 10/10 whatever other max award I can give it. Amazing.

Unlike any other Fromsoftware game I've played but in a bad way. I could take hours to write entire paragraphs full of my gripes with this game but to be honest, it's not worth it. It isn't unplayable by any means but I guess I was spoiled by how good other Fromsoftware titles are that this feels like a 1/5. In reality, its a 3/5 game that tried a lot of neat and cool things that mostly went unnoticed because of how awful the level design and mechanics are, and so because of that will be the only Fromsoftware game in my library that I haven't 100% completed. I just can't stand another playthrough. Worst Souls 2.

Finally finished it, 3 hours of the 24 has gone into the final boss.
Regardless, this game has one of if not the best combat in any game I have ever played. Weaving attacks and defending when swings are coming your way are done in such a way in this game it makes you feel like a true master by the end. Getting the different endings are all an unnecessary hassle so I've just gone on and gotten the normal one. It was a nice journey. The only problem I have is that new mechanics introduced after the main ones (parrying, dodging etc.) are not explained well enough. If I didn't have a friend with me on my playthrough I would've never figured out how to mikiri counter (he taught me how to do It AT THE LAST FIGHT) and the lightning switchback thingy. Other than that, It isn't hard to see why this game won game of the year.
Edit : I have 100% completion in the game after 33 hours. This is one of the best games I've ever played. Mikiri counter is the single most satisfying mechanic in any game I've ever played full stop. The bosses are varied and extremely fun, the reward for understanding attack patterns is unmatched in any other game, it's just amazing. Please play this game.

Best puzzle game I've ever played. TP1 is like Portal 1 and TP2 is like Portal 2 where there is a lot more active storytelling and characters involved which is great in my opinion. A lot of brain scratching uncomfortable to ask and answer questions and really fun puzzles. The environments are beautiful and my two gripes with this game are that A. Forced upscaling or whatever's in UE5 makes games look extremely blurry or pixelated and B. getting all achievements requires you playing the game at least 3 times and making correct dialogue choices over +100 of them throughout your playthrough, just not fun therefore I will wait till someone uploads their save file to get it.
The soundtrack is incredible, I have no other words, you just have to see it for yourself.
There is a lot of walking from point a to point b especially if you don't really know what you're looking for but I didn't mind it as the soundtrack was really nice to listen to and the areas you're in look cool.

This game is a GEM. It's definitely one of my most favourite kart racer out of the bunch. Too bad you can't buy it on steam anymore but you can get keys on some 3rd party sites.