Peak creativity level designwise + remarkable ost + the best playable credits section ever + charismatic and sweet story + game doesn't overstay it's welcome + a lot of cool mechanics for you to use in the stages

This is Nintendo at it's best with Mario in some years

This game was revolutionary, to this very day more than 10 years after it's release, the physics engine is still amazing, the story and pace of it is just what i want from Rockstar. It only loses to Red Dead Redemption 2 as the best R* game.

What a great game. Cool mechanics, smooth gameplay and decent enough online. Also it was already time for crossplay.

The story mode is what you'd expect, but as always, a fighting game shines in, it's the multiplayer. I have been blasting Reina in ranked matches and playing with some friends, and damn, she is so fun, i'm late to the party when it comes to Tekken, so she is kinda hard to learn but not impossible, i love her stances and how treacherous she can be.

The cutscenes and OST are top notch as well.

Let's play some good ass Tekken.

Fun game if you don't care about the Arkham universe. The game is a SUPERB looter shooter, it's really really fun. The downside is the game really doesn't having an ending but i guess they are going the Destiny route, i just expect they make it better.

This is NOT Arkham. Please, do not make comparisons and do not be biased. It's a whole different game.

I'm looking forward to see what they do in the next seasons, if this doesn't flop due bad reception, it might become one of the funniest GaAs as of right now.

The movement and gunplay is great, if you like these types of games, you should def try this one out.

Storywise: the best story i have ever experienced in a game, everything simply rhymes incredibly well and i have the firm belief that if this got adapted in a movie/tv series, it would be a hit.

Gameplay: at the time it was different for sure, the - brief - revival of point & clicks was great, it isn't that deep but the game was sold on it's story alone.

I still believe this should've been a standalone game with the ending up in the air, as the other seasons quite doesn't honor this one.

It's really hard to get into this game without knowing what happens, but you should give it a try. I replayed this game more than 8x since 2012 and i always have the same reaction at the ending.

Graphically speaking? it's the same old shit, but if you look at the gameplay...

Gameplay speaking? it's not even the same old shit, it's worse, they removed tilt attacks and stuff that added a kind of "depth" to this type of party game.

The recap story mode of the Naruto - Naruto Shippuden has literally no effort, they are straight copy pasted from the old Storm games but without cutscenes, CC2 actually adds a powerpoint presentation showing 2 or 3 still images from the anime. Even the boss fights are recycled, and you don't get to play a lot.

Ahmmm what? New characters? Well we have some Boruto characters for sure. LIke 10% of the Boruto roster, but don't worry, with the release of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex you can rest assured that this game will be just like Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 and receive 20 DLC characters per year!

What? You don't want to play as adult Boruto? Absurd!

The special story is kinda fun though, the game is bad and not worth 60 dol, i had a lot of performance issues in boss battles, online/netcode completely sucks, game is censored with black blood and won't show any gore.

This game will have a new edition in like 4 years and then we will get Naruto x Boruto Storm 5, and the cycle of mediocre arena anime fighters will never end, and if you like the IP you'll buy it whenever you like it or not

Still baffled this lost to GOW as Game of The Year 2018. This aside, i dropped this game in 2018 because i was having a way too fast lifestyle and the game indeed starts very slow, you don't get no fast travels, you don't go out shooting people without consequences, it's a very linear game, even so, i would say as of right now it is the most beautiful game i have ever played. It is like investing money, you will need to give some time to the game, but you will receive a huge payoff. I think the epilogue wasn't quite on par with the main story and i think it didn't needed to be shown, i feel like it's almost a free DLC, but you need to end the epilogue so the credits start rolling and i am not ending a game without the credits rolling. This is a must play - if you have a lot of free time -.

I appreciate the devs, i can see they tried their best without a budget but yeah, the game is trash. Completed it in the hardest mode and it was annoying, stupid level design, stupid story, no ost. The graphics are fine except for the facial designs, they look like a cheap version of Life is Strange characters.

Nothing makes sense, the game doesn't have a proper ending lol

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Amazing first half, terrible second half, it was almost like doing a chore. Never played other "Tales of" before, it should've ended when it had the chance. If you like cliché anime, this is for you. At least the character interactions are top tier until the end, undeniably the best thing this game has.


A masterpiece in what it tries to do, so yeah it's a 10/10 for me. Every character is compelling, the cutscenes are amazing, the OST is amazing, the twist is amazing and i am not even a fan of "RPG Maker" games, this is simply just so good. Immersive and fun. Also really bittersweet towards the end but i wouldn't say that it is depressive, actually depending on the POV it might be the "happiest" ending our characters could have given the situation.

As the strongest fighting games developer, Capcom, fought the fraud, the king of cash grabs arena fighters, Bandai, he began to open his domain.

Bandai shrunk back in fear, then Capcom said: "stop making these fucking arena fighters, even more so if CyberConnect 2 isn't involved"

SNK tried and being honest i believe they delivered. Some small stuff comes together to create a bigger issue and unfortunately SNK haven't addressed these issues almost one year after the release. Even so it still isn't nowhere as good as SamSho 2019.

Played it 11 days before oficial release thanks to Nintendo, it wasn't intentional but i will take it lol.

Game was amazing, really doubt anything will top this for this year at least. The final boss fight was fucking peak, there are people trivializing it exploiting a single major non intended weakness the boss has and uploading it to Youtube, except that if you cheesed the final boss, you spoiled the game for yourself as well.

The ending section of this game: chasm until fight with demon king army and the ending is probably my favorite ending section all time.

"oh but this game runs at 20fps lmao and people had the nerves to call God of War Ragnarok, a technical MASTERPIECE, as DLC! This one is even worse"

honestly, fuck off, stupid bitchy mentality, this game is amazing and yeah, if you play it for more than 2 hours you will notice that it isn't a dlc.

They left a bunch of my favorite characters out, still it is - although braindead - really fun to mash some buttons with characters you like. The best One Piece musou until now.