Probably the weakest expansion of the game but it's still fun.
The story is kind of dull and the level design pretty boring, but I enjoyed the gameplay a lot.

It's nothing extraordinary, just a short little story that gives some context to Gladiolus, and a cool boss fight.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

I don't really know how to start this review... I don't even know what rating I'm going to give to this game, because Final Fantasy XV is such a complicated experience.
As a videogame, it's a mess, while the Open World looks gorgeous, and I enjoyed exploring and doing random activities, there's not enough quality content in it, driving the car feels slow and clunky, the gameplay is very simple and doesn't have any deep mechanics, and the side quests are generic, but the very charming cast of characters kept me intrigued.

The story starts nice but gets uninteresting after the first hour, it feels like the story is absent for a big part of the game but fortunately it picks up later on, and that's a shame because it's a great story, just very poorly written and structured.

The soundtrack is phenomenal as expected, it really compliments the game and its key moments. From the beautiful overworld themes to the epic and intense battle themes, it has everything.

Even with all the issues and the questionable pacing of the story, the final chapter really saves this game, it's in my opinion my favorite chapter in the game by far, it has some genuinely challenging boss fights, all the characters get some time to shine, and the ending is pretty much one of my favorite endings ever.

Overall Final Fantasy XV is a very flawed videogame but surprisingly enough an exceptional one as well. I really like this game, It's a very interesting and rewarding experience despite the obvious flaws.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

Ragnarök is Over.
God of War (2018) was not only the first game I got on my PlayStation 4, but also my introduction to the God of War series. I patiently waited for God of War Ragnarök to come out ever since I finished the first game the year it got released, and now after having played both games, sadly I have some mixed feelings.

Ragnarök isn't necessarily bigger and better than the previous game in my opinion, it's just bigger and more of the same, and it does some things better while other things worse.

The game starts off very strong with a lot of action and some very cool set-pieces.
Kratos' development shines in this game, he's a surprisingly complex character and I appreciate him more than ever before, and as for Atreus, he gets a lot of development as well, in a way he genuinely feels like the actual protagonist of the game, and I really like how he slowly grows and matures throughout the story.

To be completely honest, at first I was slightly worried because the gameplay felt similar to the previous game, but as you unlock more gear and progress through the game, the gameplay gets deeper. It really is a fun game, the new quality of life improvements and the enviromental mechanics help a lot, using the blades as grappling hooks or jumping from a ledge to smash enemies with the axe feels very satisfying.

What I enjoyed the most is definitely the exploration, there's an insane amount of stuff to do, so many side quests and countless side stories, I loved it and I wanted to explore more and more. As for the realms, they're bigger and better than before, every realm has something different to offer, overall this is a very big game full of content.

A decent amount of enemy variety too, instead of simple trolls and draugrs, there are actually new enemies with unique movesets and animations, also the boss fights are impressive and there are many of them, definitely an improvement over the previous game.

Unfortunately though, God of War Ragnarök is a game that ultimately disappointed me, and my biggest issue with it is the story, it's directionless and lacks focus, there is no clear goal and it feels like you are running around doing random fetch quests for the most part. The characters make so many weird and nonsensical decisions it's honestly frustrating, sometimes Kratos acts like a side character, in fact why is Kratos even part of the story if he disagrees with everything the other characters do, why does he help Atreus with starting a war if he doesn't want a war... why, why, whyyy... that's exactly how I felt throughout the entirety of the game, why are we doing this, why are we here, why are we focusing on random things that are very unnecessary to the plot instead of the actual Ragnarök.
Speaking of Ragnarök, the finale felt so rushed and anticlimactic, for something so important to the plot, something that I've been waiting to see for so long, I expected Ragnarök to last way longer and have a bigger scale, so much wasted potential, way to set the wrong expectations.

Another issue I have with the game is that the overall gameplay isn't an improvement from the previous game in my opinion, in fact it's a bit of a step-down, some new additions felt completely unnecessary, and the things that got removed were fun, such as the bare handed combat, or some runic attacks.

Also I wanna point out that some of the dialogue was more humorous and goofy for my liking, in a way, the game has a bit too much humor sometimes, which ruined the tone the previous game tried to set for the series.

In the end, God of War Ragnarök is a game I enjoyed even though it failed to meet my expectations, which is unfortunate. What we got here is still an exceptional videogame experience, albeit a disappointing sequel in my opinion.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.

Genuinely one of the best Spider-Man adaptions to date.
For a superhero game, the story is actually interesting, and the unique twists Insomniac Games added into the Spider-Man universe make me even more excited for the sequels.
Peter Parker is a very likeable and sympathetic main character, he goes through a lot in this game, and the supportive cast of characters is pretty damn good as well.

I really like the gameplay, it looks spectacular, it feels very smooth and responsive, and there's a decent variety of gadgets and unique power-ups to use. Customizing Peter by unlocking new suits and playing around with the RPG elements feels rewarding and I enjoyed it a lot. As for the action, there is a lot of it, most boss fights are beautiful spectacles and the stakes are pretty high.

However, as an Open World game it's shallow, the side content is disappointing, there are so many collectables to collect and it feels like a chore, and the challenges are alright but can be annoying.

Also, the first act of the game is pretty slow, there are moments where you have to do some unnecessary every-day things such as visit some specific places or run around and interact with the side content of the game and it takes a bit for the pacing to get better, but it eventually gets way more exciting.

Lastly, Mary Jane has too many stealth missions, which I didn't particularly dislike, in fact they are fun sometimes, it's just that there are too many of them.

That being said, this is probably a must-buy game for PlayStation 4 owners, it's definitely a system seller and a very solid videogame overall.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

The best way to enjoy this game, the additional content not only gives closure to the overarching story, but it also connects this game with the previous games, making it a very complete package.

To Infinity and Beyond.
BioShock Infinite is gorgeous, it has some of the best world-building in any videogame, and a very unique artstyle that makes it look special and timeless.

The story's premise is very interesting, it touches some controversial topics, but what I like the most about the game is the 2 main characters, they are the heart and soul of the story and carry the entire game all the way to the end.

As for the gameplay, it's pretty good, the shooting feels heavy and responsive, and the vigors add some depth to it, all in all I'm satisfied.

Unfortunately though, the mission structure is quite repetitive, and combined with the questionable pacing, the game feels longer than intended, also the late game difficulty spike felt tedious and unnecessary.

This is a very solid game overall, it's full of style and flair, the focus on being a fast paced First Person Shooter game is definitely a big departure from the toned down, dark and grounded nature of the previous games. Where Infinite lacks the horror and more experimental gameplay mechanics, it makes up with the improved fast paced shooting and environmental combat.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

Burial at Sea - Episode Two is the epilogue of BioShock Infinite.
I enjoyed it more than I expected, even though I'm not really a fan of stealth missions.

The ending is quite interesting, but I personally didn't really like the way it connects Infinite with the first BioShock game, there is one specific plot twist near the end that honestly feels like it could've been handled better.

Ultimately, it's an ambitious expansion that's worth playing.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

A pretty nice side story for the main game, Burial at Sea - Episode One is worth checking out, however, it's a bit too short, and doesn't add anything to the story.

There are some gameplay improvements such as being able to hold multiple weapons, and additional plasmids, which is cool.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

To Infinity and Beyond.
BioShock Infinite is gorgeous, it has some of the best world-building in any videogame, and a very unique artstyle that makes it look special and timeless.

The story's premise is very interesting, it touches some controversial topics, but what I like the most about the game is the 2 main characters, they are the heart and soul of the story and carry the entire game all the way to the end.

As for the gameplay, it's pretty good, the shooting feels heavy and responsive, and the vigors add some depth to it, all in all I'm satisfied.

Unfortunately though, the mission structure is quite repetitive, and combined with the questionable pacing, the game feels longer than intended, also the late game difficulty spike felt tedious and unnecessary.

This is a very solid game overall, it's full of style and flair, the focus on being a fast paced First Person Shooter game is definitely a big departure from the toned down, dark and grounded nature of the previous games. Where Infinite lacks the horror and more experimental gameplay mechanics, it makes up with the improved fast paced shooting and environmental combat.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

The black sheep of BioShock.
Honestly, I don't really have many things to say about this game, it's definitely a fun game overall but it's very underwhelming compared to the first game.

For the most part, I found the story to be kind of dumb with a very underdeveloped main villain and characters that the game didn't make me care for, and overall I just didn't really enjoy it, however, the last few hours are great, and I'm satisfied with the conclusion of the story.

The gameplay is nice, there's more variety of tools and upgrades, wielding both a gun and a plasmid at the same time feels just right, and I enjoyed exploring.

BioShock 2 feels like an expansion, and doesn't stand on its own very well. It's merely a solid game overall but forgets what makes the series so unique and exceptional in the first place, the narrative is bland and failed to make me feel something meaningful, even though I had a decent time with it.

Final Rating: "Almost Good" ~ 6.5/10.

Art meets Horror.
BioShock is a very special videogame experience, it's beautiful but grotesque, lighthearted but dark, comforting but scary. I'm glad I gave this game a chance, for its time, this is no doubt an amazing game and it aged pretty well in almost every way possible.

The story is clever and the characters are well written, and there are some interesting plot twists near the end. The only issues I personally have with the story itself is the fact that it's told mostly via audio logs, and the final act is somewhat underwhelming compared to how masterfully crafted the rest of the game is.

As for the gameplay, it's decent, shooting feels okay, and the plasmids are very useful, you can unlock new weapons and plasmids, gather Adam to upgrade your equipment, and many more.

Navigating through the world makes the game something like a small open world, there isn't much to do obviously, but there are so many ways to approach combat and get resources, it's worth exploring.

This game is really damn good and worth playing to this day, it's an enjoyable experience, and pretty much timeless.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

The best way to experience this game, Full Body adds a lot of content and makes the game more accessible to play. Personally I'm not a big fan of the new story chapter but I like the new characters and gameplay mechanics.

This game is something of a guilty pleasure for me.
The story is actually decent overall with some genuinely funny interactions, but also some deep messages and themes.

I really enjoyed the gameplay, it might look simple in the beginning but things get serious later on, with the last 2-3 dungeons being somewhat more challenging than the rest. The only downside to it is that it's quite repetitive, not only the puzzles but even hanging out at the bar, unfortunately the things you can do in the game aren't that many, it's very linear.

As for the soundtrack, it's so good! Very unique and charming, adds a lot of personality to the game's atmosphere and vibe.

Lastly, there's a decent amount of content, the various challenges and even the multiplayer mode, which is more than enough for a game like this.

However, I do think that the game is outdated in some ways, the character's movement feels clunky, the 2D animation is choppy and the facial expressions are strange to say the least.

I finished this game in one sitting with no breaks, and it took me 14 hours. It was very fun from start to finish, which is a very big compliment considering how I've never played a game similar to Catherine before, it truly is a very one-of-a-kind game.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

This game is the reason why I'm interested in Tekken again after so many years, this is definitely the best Tekken game in terms of gameplay.
The gameplay is amazing, it feels smooth and responsive, and there's an insane amount of combos that you can do.

The stages look beautiful for the most part, and the music is okay.

The story tries to do something cool but ultimately falls flat and is just boring.

I think the biggest problem of the game is the lack of single player content. If you don't want to play multiplayer, there's barely anything for you to enjoy here and that's a shame.

The game does feel unfinished sometimes, especially after that rough start. The DLCs complete it and improve the game a lot but there are many of them to the point where it just gets annoying.

Overall it's one of the most enjoyable recent fighting games and a great entry in the Tekken series, solely because of its diverse character roster and fun additional gameplay mechanics.

Final Rating: "Very Good" ~ 7.5/10.

The Complete Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt makes this one of the most complete videogame experiences ever, with 2 amazing expansions and an insane amount of additional content.

An absolute monster of a videogame.
The main story is very well made with an exceptional cast of characters, and the writing is fantastic, everything in the game has depth to it.

The amount of content is absolutely ridiculous, at first you might get overwhelmed by all the activities the game throws at you, but exploring the map and doing side quests is definitely worth it, this game has perhaps the best side quests I've ever experienced, and the quest design is phenomenal.

The dialogue options are groundbreaking, almost every quest has different outcomes and interactions, it's insane. Your actions have consequences and if you're not careful, you can miss entire questlines that can alter your entire experience with the game.

Also I think it's worth mentioning how beautiful the soundtrack is, it's pretty much one of the highlights of the game and really sets the tone perfectly.

It's an all-around solid game, it does almost everything very well, except from the gameplay which is a little bit clunky so you'll have to get used to it.
The biggest problem I have with the game personally is the amount of filler and padding in the first half of the story, it's a slow burn and takes too long for the pacing to get good, however, even when it's slow, it's still great and has so many things to offer.

The Open World is one of the best I've ever explored, it's very enjoyable from start to finish, there are so many things to do in this game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt achieved the impossible, it's unbelievable how a small Polish studio managed to create a remarkable videogame like this one.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

League of Legends is insanely huge, it's one of the most successful and popular games of all time for good reasons.

It's a fantastic game, very fun to play with a rich lore, phenomenal character design, great music and creative ideas, unfortunately brought down by its own toxic community and development team.

There are so many fascinating gameplay mechanics but the balancing issues are very obvious from a mile away.

And it's worth to mention that the learning curve is pretty high, so a newcomer might not enjoy it very much.

I'll always have a special place in my heart for this game even though it can be a mess sometimes, it's part of my childhood and I respect it.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

What a banger!
Arguably the best fighting game I've played in recent memory, this game is absolutely fantastic.

The gameplay is incredible and surprisingly very simple, it's easy to learn but hard to master, which is great for newcomers like myself.

Every character looks phenomenal, they're all so diverse and cool, the character designs rock! All of them play very differently from each other, it's all about finding which one fits with your playstyle and getting better and better.

I didn't really like the story mode personally, but the lore is huge, there are so many things to learn about each character and the world, I'm just not sure if it's worth learning because things get very complicated.

And probably one of the most important parts of the game, the soundtrack... slaps soooo hard, holy shiiiiii- I love the music so much, and it fits with the art-style perfectly, it's crazy.

At this moment, this is the most enjoyable and accessible fighting game on the market, it ticks almost all the boxes and does everything very well.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.