Spent a solid 60 hours playing this. The best part of the game will always be the guns for me. The "Shooting Range" they added a while back was my favorite update.

Actual bounty hunts are really intense. Because often so little happens at first, tension builds. The bosses are trivial once you have the sticky bomb unlocked. But then the fun begins as enemy Hunters descend upon your position....there is nothing like Hunt firefights. It is immensely satisfying to kill an enemy Hunter...but more often than not I found I was the one dying unceremoniously.

The firefights are a little too much. The game is stressful to the point where I actually don't want to play it anymore. Maybe if I was better at it I would?

Also, slightly disappointed with the absurdity of some recent releases. "A quickdraw katana? In my bayou? It's more likely than you think."

Still have a lot of good memories, though. Certainly well-crafted.


This game is a different genre from the originals. Somehow it feels much slower and less “tactical”. That said, I’ve always thought that it looked good and was cool. The same cannot be said for “Doom Eternal” which I refuse to ever play.

I don’t remember how much this costs but the campaign was an appropriate size and fine to go through. Just not something I ever want to play again, while I happily revisit classic Doom levels frequently.

I am a sucker for anything Predator and while this game isn’t a masterpiece by any stretch it is probably the best Predator game we will ever get. It’s actually really fun to kill enemies as the Predator, especially once you find things like the smart disk.

The other campaigns are alright too, I guess.

This game is fun, looks cool, and feels great. Sadly I wouldn't recommend purchasing at the moment as development has been very slow - very little has been added since I purchased this nearly a year ago.

That said, I am very much looking forward to playing the campaign/operator missions if they are ever released.

This game is fun because it's an airstrike/orbital ordnance sandbox. Once that gets boring then so does the game. Maybe I have 20 hours in it? I don't think it was a waste of time or money but just don't feel like playing it anymore.

Let's get the boring stuff out of the way. This is a fun "tactical shooter". The guns feel nice to use. The AI seems to be competent enough. Through the course of the campaign you will find your abilities and strategies tested.

It's been whined that the game shoehorns you into playing a less lethal style because of the ranking system. While this may be true, I think it's way more fun to tear gas/pepper spray/tase/beanbag suspects before handcuffing them. Especially making some belligerent terrorist or methhead drop the weapons and PUT HIS HANDS UP. Awesome!

The levels themselves are why I love this game. Clearly the designers do nothing but read Zero Hedge all day. The very first one has you confront some "teens" who have shot up and robbed a gas station. "They even shot the dog!"

The second mission is infamous and needs no commentary of mine. But, if you're unfamiliar, you receive a 911 call that a video game streamer has killed his mother or whatever and of course you must respond. It turns out to be a farce but while arresting the suspect you discover a ludicrous amount of lewd anime figurines, a fursuit, and....some illegal photographs.

Further missions lean into the bleak absurdity of modern American life. You have a meticulously detailed meth lab raid, a descent into tunnels used by a cartel to ferry Mexicans across the border illegally, the infamous "Valley of the Dolls" (basically Pizzagate) mission...

"Carriers of the Vine" is another standout for me. Surely many developers were having a hearty chuckle at the premise of raiding a battered women's shelter (cult compound) with your all male SWAT team and teargassing/tasing/physically beating them into submission.

For me, however, my favorite mission is the last. It's beautiful and grim. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that I think the reason I love this game so much is because it reminds me of Deus Ex. Deus Ex is a 90s conspiracy game, and Ready or Not is a 2020s conspiracy game.

I'll brag that I don't find the game prohibitively difficult and managed to S-rank every mission in a reasonable amount of time. Fun multiplayer too!

I really enjoyed FEAR so decided to give this a chance. I will give it credit for having some levels with good atmosphere (the Russian SCP black site and hospital zombie level spring to mind) but some of the others were a bit lackluster.

The actual gameplay was fine. If it was inspired by FEAR, it didn't really show in terms of the guns. I mean, in FEAR, you have a ray gun that turns enemies into scorched black skeletons that ragdoll all over the place. Amazing. Here....you have SMGs that you can customize with, uh, laser sights. Alright...

Unsure also why they felt the need to do that weird modern shooter thing where you have "levels" that are basically just fighting waves of NPCs while running around a multiplayer map. This is to unlock....cosmetics and scopes for your guns? Ok...

Furthermore, I think the most damning thing is that at one point, while snapping some mercenary's neck, I felt bad for him! Never have I ever felt bad killing anyone or anything in a video game. Didn't feel bad killing Sif the pupperino in Dark Souls. But I felt bad for this mook. Were they trying to do that?

So yeah, some of the melee functions felt a little stupid. They were better in FEAR. I actually liked the part at the end of the game where you lose an arm and thus can't do as much bullcrap.

That said, I believe this was the project of like 2 guys, so good on them for what they've made and I would certainly take a look at anything else they do in the future.

This is my favorite From game to play because you avoid the chores and jank you find in the other games. No scrounging for rocks to upgrade your weapons, much less "cheese", very polished boss fights.

There are times in Dark Souls where it feels stupidly frustrating, Sekiro can be difficult but there are no real "feel bad" moments. There are no oppressive "run-backs", movement is quite free. You are a duelist with a variety of tools at your disposal. You can stick to pure sword combat, you can use prosthetic tools (seamlessly integrated), or even martial arts techniques (I absolutely love these, especially the leaping kicks).

All the areas look and feel great to traverse. While it is not a "perfect" game, and it is much "smaller" than some other From games, it doesn't matter. I'm currently on NG+3, thinking about maybe even platinuming the game, whereas I couldn't bring myself to do that with even Dark Souls.

Dark Souls II is a true sequel to the first game. You cannot play it the same way. You start with one (1) Estus flask. Death is penalized even moreso. Enemies are much harder to parry. And so on.

All that out of the way, DSII is a stunning game. Right off the bat you have the beauty of Things Betwixt, Majula, Heide's, the Fortress of Fallen Giants, then towards late game you have the austerity of Drangleic Castle (with easily the best looking Fromsoft boss, the Looking Glass Knight), the otherwordly Dragon Aerie/Shrine - not to mention the DLC locations!

This is a great game, I do not believe it is "unfair" like some would have you to believe. The infamous Fume Knight took me 1.5 hours. It was a good time.