This is such a terrible game I can't fully express it.

Usually these cheap, awkward, ugly, rushed out abominations known as 'anime games' are, at the very least, fun for the fans. But I can't in good faith recommend buying, let alone playing this game to anyone. It looks awful, has grade-C animations, the character designs are pre-Wano Toei level at best, the UI is awful beyond belief, the gameplay is repetitive and runs out of steam 2 minutes in, and, like stated previously, the fan-service is bad or just not really there. With these cheap, awkward, ugly, and etc and etc fan-serice games, usually you can at least count on the fans being serviced, but this game somehow doesn't even manage that. Its just another empy shell wearing the ragged, dried-out skin of your favourite characters, and the skin is not even the shell's size. But I guess we ARE talking One Piece fans - people infamous for automatically loving everything that has One Piece on it - even if it's a passionless cheap ugly awkward etc etc cash-grab that doesn't build on the original work, or adapt it in any interesting way, and only exploits it's popuarity. And with this kinda fan-base, it's not a surprise that this game is even remotely positively received, even though there's honestly nothing of worth to be found here.

The only good thing about this game - it's kinda cool controlling these characters and hearing them say one-liners for a few minutes. Also the music is alright

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2021


2 years ago

I am deeply saddened that all the One Piece games I have tried dont live up at all, they all feel weirdly clunky or empty

2 years ago

yeah, One Piece media is fucked in general but the games are truly incredible in how bad they are. World Seeker is probably the only decent one where at least some fun can be had