10 reviews liked by KumasActs

The combat in this game feels really lacking and unsatisfying, the story is pretty unremarkable too.

I liked the open-world aspect of the game, although getting around could sometimes be a bit tricky. Gameplay was enjoyable though, fighting was trivially easy as soon as you unlocked armament haki, but there was still enough variation to keep me busy. The most lacking point of this game is the story, I started skipping dialogue as soon as chapter 6 since the plot was so dull I didn't care anymore.

One thing that could've been improved was that the minimap didn't change depending on your height in-game, traversing Topaz Mines was a pain in the butt as I kept running into dead ends.

Also, to the person who made you fight flying robots, I hope they make a special place in hell for you...

This falls apart so much at every single fundamental point of gamedesign and narrative that not even the Straw Hat charm, that is transported pretty well, can save it.

Every One Piece game that isn't a musou just misses the mark so hard.

Remember all those bits from the manga where Luffy runs around collecting 2 Small Flowers and 6 Jewel Slugs so some no-name can make a brooch for you that adds +2 to agility? Fuck me.

It shouldnae feel this bad to traverse an open-world as a dude made of rubber. You can kinda Spider-Man zip to things, but it's so Start/Stop that you might as well just walk. There's an upgrade that lets you zip and soar for a bit and it feels great until the game decides you've moved far enough and drops you in place like a stone. The mid-air momentum just dies. Sounds like fun, eh?

Combat is shite too. No move-cancelling, so you're stuck in basic animations until it finishes and lets you press the dodge button. Enemies either do nothing while waiting to be punched, or constantly wail on you, no middle ground. Shots from guns knock you out of animations and onto the ground, so you need to wait 3 seconds for Luffy to stand back up. Also yer special moves like Red Hawk sometimes just miss because the game decided an enemy has i-frames. There's nothing fun about this.

Not even a massive OP fan like myself can put up with this. I quit to dashboard and immediately deleted it when I was asked to do a tailing mission on the Germa 66.

Im invincible under the heavens I’M THE ONE WHO DESTROYED ASHINA

story wasn’t as good as yakuza 0 but the ending was fun. nishi went out like a fucking idiot JUST CLOSE THE VAULT DUMB CUNT. Majima everywhere saved it

when you read this its aimed at you. you’re dog shit drop the game and never look back at it you’re wasting your time on something you’ll never be good at go outside and sniff some fucking grass everything you did in life might be pointless as well. fun game tho


my first mega man and a cool one at that. Zero goat, raw, swag and kino of course. could've been a 5 but they put the difficulty to fuck off levels and some of the platforming was mad cancerous. Also fuck X, #ZeroHeroGang