What the hell did I just play?

This is one of the most replayable games for me. It's fun to beat this game over and over again. I just wish that it had more courses (And that Amy, Eggman and Eggrobo where actually playable characters.)

Got to a space level with weird gravity and gave up.

For a racing game with motion controls it's pretty fun, but that's Nintendo for you.

It's a pretty good first half of a game.

The physics were impressive for the time but it doesn't make for great gameplay

Not a bad port though it lacks a lot of the charm of the 16-Bit counterpart.

Sonic Drift is a poor Mario Kart clone for a console that could barely support a racing game.

Sonic Chaos is ultimately too easy and forgettable to be even thought about let alone play, also why is the final boss so hard?

It tries to port the console game on a weaker hardware but falls very very short.

Not a bad puzzle game especially for one that was never officially released.

This game needs a sequel badly, I spent 26 hours 100% this game and I do it again. Rockstar I don't care about GTA 6 give me Bully 2.

Where's the second and third chaos emerald game!