At first it was easy, then the awful tubes and gimmicks come back. Awful story, ugly artstyle make this one of the worst Sonic games.

Tails' Skypatrol is a brutally hard game that's challenge comes from annoying stage gimmicks then actual fun.

It's a pretty good first half of a game.

It was a good effort for translating the 16 Bit game onto a smaller cartridge epically under the time constraints however their is difficulty spikes that make the game less fun.

The soundtrack was awful and the game had very little reason to even be a Sonic game, also the puzzle game itself is pretty mediocre.

Got to a space level with weird gravity and gave up.

Hard but in the worst way possible. Awful gimmicks like the hang glider and a million of tube puzzles as well as bad level design make this game unplayable.

Sonic 3 is easily the best 2D sonic game, best music, best gameplay, best mechanics, and a good storyline.

The game is creative and has cool elementals but unfortunately they don't fit that well in the sonic gameplay formula.

I don't care what the people who don't like this game say it is one of my all time favorite games and has aged better than people give it credit for.

This is one of the most replayable games for me. It's fun to beat this game over and over again. I just wish that it had more courses (And that Amy, Eggman and Eggrobo where actually playable characters.)

Not a bad puzzle game and quite fun, however their is better ones out their.

The story was terrible and the game play was good, extremely disappointing.