This is one of the most replayable games for me. It's fun to beat this game over and over again. I just wish that it had more courses (And that Amy, Eggman and Eggrobo where actually playable characters.)

Sonic World is a pretty cool feature, I don't know why Sonic CD wasn't included however.

It's very nostalgic but only fun if you are a preschooler.

100% again and well worth it, one of the best 3D platformers ever made super good even to this day.

100% Was a blast one of the best 2D Mario games since Super Mario World. The only problem was the story was lackluster like most Mario games and that the game ended (I WANTED MORE!)

It's pretty fun even if you're an adult, epically for Toy Story fans.

Not as fun as the Animated Storybook.

It feels like one of those generic PC games but on the GBA.

Somehow the cheap PC port Chicken Shoot game is better than this crap.

For a racing game with motion controls it's pretty fun, but that's Nintendo for you.

Not only is the game unfun you're also forced to play as a shitty person and when you don't do what the game wants you to it calls you a wuss.

There is basically no reason to play this version of the game unless you picked up cheap for the Xbox One at a pawn shop which is what I just did.

I like how a game about collecting items so that you can progress has a password system and no save battery.

It's nothing to special but godawful either, definitely a better licensed game on the GBA.

I don't know why I liked this so much as a kid since it's pretty mindless nowadays.