Tears run down my face. This was something special to 13 year old me.

Top 5 sonic games dead or alive hoe

Uno and super fight with the homies was something special


5 stars because i loved it as a kid

Shit was Peak gaming back in middle school ong

I hate this game and Konami with a passion

Man Data boss battles got hands
but yeah story was ass like complele doo doo garbage secret boss is doo doo garbage compared to Lingering will, combat was fun but uhhhh KH2 arguably gives it a run for its money

This game is a sin against Humanity and must be Purged.

GOAT. i fucking hate EA for ruining 3 god that ending was shit thank god for mods

also one of the best Sonic games just off OST alone

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh decent