Fantastic remake, almost rivals HGSS. Almost.

Solid title, but not the best by any means. Mega evolution was a fantastic addition to the series

This game shaped my childhood, honestly. Way too hidden of a gem - play this game!

If the DS Pokemon games weren't absolutely stellar, I would say FFC was the best monster-taming game of the console

Severely outclassed by other games in the series

Severely outclassed by other games in the series

If you're looking for a game with heart, here it is

Super fun for 10-year-old me. Kinda wanna come back to it

Solid, but wasn't my type of game. Good 3DS gem if you're looking for one

Great vibes/art/music. That's all I can say about that, unfortunately

Almost "hidden gem" level of charm

Loved it, hoping to snag the sequel

Great title, a little difficult for new MH players to get into, but very robust

After playing the original Sun/Moon, I could not justify getting through this one...

Fun spinoff title but I got bored of it