The narrative was such a letdown. The art direction was fabulous, the music was beautiful (Yasunori Nishiki is now one of my favorite composers!), and the gameplay was engaging. But... man I just couldn't get on board with how fragmented the story was told. I understand why the writers opted to craft an "open" story where players could choose any of the eight character paths, and navigate to others at their own whim and leisure. However, the lack of actual plot direction and meaningful character interaction makes it difficult to feel immersed in the world and characters.

Heavily monetized. Haven't touched this game in forever but I can't imagine it's much better.

For a cooperative game, Nine Parchments kinda sucks to play cooperatively

A satisfying reboot (sequel?) to Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo 64. I love the style of the game and how alive everything felt.

Literally the game ever

Fun and simple with a cute art style. Great rhythm title for the Switch.

Really wanted to love this one. The pixel style is so lovely, and the game's premise seemed interesting, but I couldn't really get into it.

Very enjoyable gameplay, but the story feels a little forgettable. I was pretty addicted until my Nintendo Switch died on me and I had forgotten to save. I haven't touched the game since because I'm afraid to find out how much I have to re-play due to my progress getting lost.

Great game for MH newbies, and still a wonderful experience for MH veterans. I can't recommend it enough.

Dang they really nailed it. Nice little dungeon crawler with a robust gear system, brilliant graphics, and killer multiplayer.

Had some performance issues on Nintendo Switch, but aside from that it was a grand experience.

Great to play singleplayer, even greater to play multiplayer. Used to develop RPG servers, this game was my introduction to programming.

Improves upon some of the lacking features in the previous game, but only marginally. Charming and somewhat touching game. This and its prequel were my introductions to the metroidvania genre.

Charming but ultimately lacking. Not much more I could say here that hasn't already been said + widely agreed upon.

Extremely charming. Looking to finish it soon.

Was pretty solid for its time. I recommend playing the main Layton games, though. The charm in this game is infinitesimal compared to even Curious Village