1 review liked by LakRise

First time with the series and was a pretty enjoyable experience. The production values are probably the biggest standout. The graphics are pretty good especially the art direction. Beautiful to look at when it portrays the nature backgrounds and reminds me a lot of Ghost of Tsushima.

Even though it only has Chinese voiced audio, all of the story dialogue are voiced and there's a lot of those. Even some sidequests are voiced.

There's roughly 70 tracks in the game and they are very pleasant to listen to. The songs tend to lean towards relaxing, but beautiful than intense ones which suits the game's tone.

There's a lot of game content from frequent sidequests, a card game with collectible cards, a platforming mini-game, cooking and even a rope jumping mini-game. It feels very complete as a game.

The game has decent QoL mechanics such as fast travel from anywhere, save anywhere, and a frequent auto-save function.

The main characters are a highlight. There's only 4 characters in the party, but they get a lot of focus and development throughout the game. The game's perspective will switch between them at times too. The group's chemistry is also solid.

The supporting cast is a mixed bag. Some are decent, but the antagonists are shallow and underwhelming.

Combat feels somewhat clunky early on, but it became enjoyable after unlocking more battle skills. The two ranged characters aren't very fun to play compared to the two melee ones. They just feel awkward at times.

The story is rather straightforward and a bit predictable, but it's interesting enough to keep me engaged with what's going on. It is pretty heavy on lore though so there's a lot of terminology thrown around. Fortunately, it's not that confusing and it has a very good in-game glossary that can supplement any info you need.

Overall, it's a solid game with good production values and budget.