218 reviews liked by LauraSantos252

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Started off goofy, but ended fairly strong. Central mystery was COMPLETELY undone when there's just suddenly "Do you know anything about our father?" to Tom when there was LITERALLY NO WORRY ABOUT THIS BEFORE. Like, damn, wonder who it is as we spend the next 5 hours wondering. Also, I burst out laughing when Alyson's crying over her mom's grave and goes "We were your goblins!!", like I'm sorry, but I cannot take you seriously. I'm being a little harsh, and I can't say that by the end I wasn't on board with seeing the game through, so it got me in the end.

Great game. Not as good as the Life is Strange series (sans 2), but heartfelt nonetheless. The resolution may leave some people irked.

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Tell Me Why

- Reliable and familiar Don’t Nod (the folks behind the Life is Strange franchise) gameplay and tone.
- The small town locale and community of Basswood is immersive and lived in.
- Graphics and voice acting are solid.
- Mind Palace and ‘Him’ gameplay elements are interesting…

- The game is too short and doesn’t feel as substantial as the studio’s prior works.
- The mystery/reveals are fairly standard and not as shocking as they could have been.
- A smattering of irritating trial and error puzzles.
- … however these have both been executed more effectively in other games.

Quando saiu trailers e anúncios fiquei com muitas expectativas, o início é muito bom, a trama aos poucos vai perdendo o encanto e ficando bem previsível, os flashbacks e algumas cenas me chamaram muito atenção

Meia estrela pela lembrança porque nossa sem hora.

Life is Strange marcou-me profundamente na adolescência, e Twin Mirror, vindo dos mesmos criadores, prometia trazer uma história igualmente envolvente, entre mistério e sobrenatural. Nos últimos dias acabei finalmente por jogá-lo e não fiquei desiludido.

No jogo, assumimos o papel de um jornalista que investiga uma rede criminosa numa pequena cidade. Apesar de não ser a narrativa mais original, é cativante o suficiente para fazer com que prenda do início ao fim.

As escolhas que fazemos parecem ter mais peso do que noutros jogos da Dontnod, o que é positivo. No entanto, o ritmo da história é um pouco irregular, com momentos entediantes e outros demasiado rápidos para deixar uma marca. Dá a impressão de que a ideia original para o jogo era que fosse mais longo, mas que a meio do desenvolvimento acabaram por encurtar tudo ao máximo, o que é pena. Talvez por isto também, e ao contrário de outros jogos da Dontnod, não haja tanta profundidade relativamente às personagens secundárias.

A jogabilidade não traz grandes novidades, seguindo o estilo dos jogos anteriores da desenvolvedora, mas funciona bem.
O ambiente do jogo é bem construído, com a cidade pequena a transmitir uma atmosfera sombria e intrigante - ao que parece, tudo é inspirado na série Twin Peaks, a que tenho definitivamente de dar uma vista de olhos.

Twin Mirror é uma experiência sólida, embora não arrisque muito. No entanto, a fórmula funciona bem e é recomendável para quem procura este tipo de jogo.

Por vir dos mesmos criadores de Life Is Strange, eu não posso dizer que esse jogo segue o mesmo padrão de qualidade, portanto, eu realmente esperava mais.

Jogo muito bom, não entenda errado, o 2.5 foi dado por que esse estúdio era mais capaz.

Eh, it was fine. The majority of it was really confusing since I haven’t played before the storm yet so I didn’t know how Steph got to know Chloe and Racheal, but it was still good and interesting seeing her process her grief from after I saved Arcadia bay in the first game. I’m just glad I didn’t spend $30 just for this DLC and got a fantastic main game along side it.

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So how my reviews of this game are going to work is that after each chapter I make a review for that chapter and my thoughts on the game as a whole so far.

Chapter 1: side A

I want to live in that damn town, it looks and sounds like my dream North American town.

Best girl: Steph

She’s basically Chloe except not a total douche and my kind of geeky. She is organizing a LARP which I desperately want to be a part of a LARP so that’s amazing info to get from a game. She runs a radio station that of course has excellent taste.

Best boy: Gabe (deceased)

Really nice, a great father figure to both Alex and Ethan, and he has excellent music taste. Speaking of music taste…


The original music is good enough to serve its function but the licensed music is where the good stuff is at, this is the most like my own music taste I’ve seen in a game. It’s like they picked the licensed music specifically for me. Really good stuff I hadn’t even heard of but am now a huge fan, CREEP!? Not to mention that creep was in here in the form of an excellent cover by Alex.


Basic plot so far is that Alex is a foster kid with empathy powers and she is moving in with her long lost brother in a small town called Haven Springs, her brother gives her a quick tour and she meets people such as Riley, who will be important later, Ethan, also important, Ryan, also important, and Steph, least important for this chapter. Ethan informs Alex of his plans to explore an old mineshaft. You get the choice of whether or not you tell Gabe, and I highly recommend that you do. The thing that really kicks off the plot is a fight between Gabe and Mac which results in Alex losing control of her empathy powers and giving Mac what he deserves, and as Gabe is trying to pull her off of Mac, she backhands him in a blind rage. You then go downstairs to apologize and he leaves a minute before you get the chance. You do some bar work and as Gabe is returning, he tells you to see him on the roof so they can talk. You talk on the roof, I revealed her powers to Gabe and after that, it’s revealed that Ethan went to the mountain anyway and you go searching for him with Gabe and Ryan. You find out that the comic he gave you is actually how he found the mineshaft so you find him trapped over a ravine and successfully save him using your empathy powers to your advantage. Just as you get over the ravine and back to safety, the mining company sets off the charges causing debris to fall and hit Gabe into the ravine and he tethered himself to Alex so she doesn’t fall, so Alex nearly falls too until Ryan makes the tough choice to cut the rope, saving Alex but killing Gabe and the chapter ends on a cliffhanger with Alex looking over into the ravine grief stricken.

Thoughts so far:

I think Life Is Strange is growing to be one of my favorite game franchises because I loved both the first game and the first chapter of this game. I’m mad Gabe died because he was awesome but it’s a good way to get an emotional death in the first chapter which is important to keep people hooked. The original game actually failed there with a character we haven’t met, Chloe, yet dying right at the start. After I finish the main game I’m playing the dlc I spent $30 on “wavelengths” which also gave me the first game and before the storm remastered which is appreciated and made my $30 purchase more bearable. Overall it’s a fantastic game so far.