2 reviews liked by LeBonsBay

Great game but I still think Devil may cry 3 is just more focused than this. Devil may cry 3 also has more variety in the stages with puzzles and clever expropriation. The boss line up is also stronger in 3, but there were a few boss battles I really enjoyed in 5. The music is also great. I wouldn't say it's the best soundtrack out of the franchise. But I personally like the other soundtracks more especially the soundtrack from Devil may cry 2. Newcomer V is a really interesting idea I also had fun playing him. But in execution he is kinda junk and unresponsive. The story was really great in this game. I think Nero earned his protagonist status with this game he had some great moments in the story. Only one thing that bugs me about the story is that both Lady and Trish had so little to do in the story that was kind of disappointing. Combat in this game is obviously superb it's really good. It's classic dmc like the combat opens up fast the game gives you in general so many options to do things with different effects. Sin Devil trigger goes so hard man it's just so sick I love it. Haven't played Vergil yet. I probably will update the review in the near future hopefully.

Guter Zeitvertreib mit Freunden, hat mich Emotionen spüren lassen die ich noch nie so krass gespürt hab (90% der Zeit negative). Das ranked system ist mit Abstand das schlechteste was ich jemals in meinem Leben gesehen hab und jemals sehen werde, wie kann ein Spiel bloß so sehr bei ranked reinscheißen, ich werds nie verstehen und skins sind absolut hardcore überteuert des Todes. In csgo kannste deine sachen noch verkaufen in valo zahlste 50€ wie ein vollidiot für ein knife