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Time Played

144h 30m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

January 26, 2024

First played

January 24, 2024

Platforms Played


I really really hate having to hate this game so much, it's so close to being great, a visual and mechanical overhaul for a great PvE game, but the game is just so BAD, particularly after all the updates they gave to it.

Fundamental design is just spectacular, You've got survival horror item management by not wanting to spend too much ammo if you don't have the cash to back it up, you've got armor you don't want to waste, you've got limited weight to carry and speed that changes depending on what weapon you have out, etc. and you've got the visceral gunplay to back it all up.

But where the original game ran to the finish line, Killing Floor 2 gets locked in place by an EDAR trapper and then gets killed by a Rioter.

To start off with the "bad" we'll go with the vanilla game, it wasn't that much of a downgrade compared to the original but there were a few problems like the spawns.
In the original Killing Floor, enemies would always spawn at their spawn points and walk out of there, it gave maps a bit of predictability and allowed for more variety on where you decide to hold out, but in Killing Floor 2, the spawns are just for out of sight areas.
This ends up causing major issues, now your holdout areas are extremely limited, going from holding in a tight area until a large zed spawns to just holding out in the largest outdoor sightline possible because otherwise you're going to get sandwiched the moment you hear a Scrake spawn in, and in solo it means you have to constantly keep your head on a swivel as otherwise for all you know a group of 8 zeds just came up behind you.

Another issue is that class balance is just not great, they play equally enough on most difficulties, but when you get to Hell on Earth, why would you be running Commando, Sharpshooter or Firebug?
Biggest issue by far is that Field Medic is incredibly OP, and not at all fun to play.
Typically I'm the one filling that role on my team, and if your team gets even slightly overrun it's super easy to just swap between your two weapons with healing darts and just spam people to full, if not just throw down 2-3 grenades and clear out all the weak enemies while healing all your teammates, and every heal grants both you and them a buff if you have those traits selected (and why wouldn't you)
It ends up making medic just boring to play, you're just babysitting your team most of the time, if you ask me, for KF3 they need to rework medic or even remove it, maybe giving the default pistol a healing ability or making Medic's healing come from dealing damage rather than just only focusing on your team.

For issues that plague the game NOW though?
For starters, they moved into a paid weapon DLC model after they said they wouldn't, priced them awfully and then released a season pass containing all the weapons after nobody was buying them, and then they released a SECOND season pass because nobody was buying that either.
Hell, nobody was buying the character packs or cosmetic bundles either, so they threw those in a few pack DLCs and sell them for like 50$ total now.

Most of the new enemies introduced post-launch were pretty abysmal, to the point of ruining the game's flow, and refusing to revert them after widespread dislike from the community.
To start we have: Alpha Crawlers, they're Crawlers that explode into gas when they die, Get punished for killing a fast enemy, Fun!
Rioters: Clots that have quite heavy armor around their head and torso, forcing you to shoot at their KNEES to take them down, and they have an ability that just buffs the damage of all nearby zeds and makes them sprint more often, so you've not only got this enemy that's annoying to kill, but they're also a priority target, great.
EDARS: The biggest, WORST offender, a bunch of robot enemies that have annoying abilities, and ONLY take damage from a weak point in a specific spot on their chest, they barely take any damage to the head and don't die if they lose their head, You've got 2 ranged ones that spam you with damage and are also nimble, unlike the far more competently designed Husk, who shoots large blasts but glows bright orange and is very immobile, and then you've got the worst EDAR of them all, the Trapper, it runs up to someone and immobilizes them for 2.5s or until they're killed, when the update first launched this thing was a nuisance but now it's just another annoying priority target to deal with, and to top it all off killing them just has this weak sounding EMP, which is INCREDIBLY unsatisfying.

Then you've got the bosses they added, you've got the one good one, Hans Volter, who has a threatening ranged poke attack, a gas bomb attack that punishes grouping without a plan, and has a very counterable phase change by shooting down his shield, alongside the regular bunch of running and punching people.

But past that you've got a lot of flukes, there's The Patriarch, the least offensive of all of the bosses, who just has a lot more going on in his kit, his minigun forces you to get out of the way immediately, his rocket forces you to get out of the way immediately, except this time you will take a shit-ton of damage if you're not careful, and when the phase changes he goes invisible and runs away to heal, very hard to counter it compared to Hans.
Then you've got King Fleshpound.
This is just a boss sized Fleshpound that spawns Quarter-pounds, Wow.

There's the Abomination
...Who is just an incredibly tanky Bloat that you have to shoot through numerous pieces of armor to start dealing actual damage to, great.

Then there's the Matriarch, the first actual boss since the Patriarch, who has been in the game files since the early access came out.
...And her extra spawns are FUCKING EDARS, the one thing that is the MOST irritating to deal with during boss fights, and then her boss fight is just boring, just a bunch of standard "does damage" attacks with the most interesting thing being that you can break off her arm cannon, but that just causes her to use an attack that pulls you in, and can follow it up with a near fatal melee attack, and one other attack that chains lightning to nearby players, fantastic.

Other than that there's just generally bad system designs, they added upgrades which just ruined the very carefully balanced economy system and sharing your money with teammates, to just selfishly dumping it all into making sure ALL of your weapons have the highest damage possible, Survivalist was a class they added that can use any classes guns, but specializes in nothing (in a game where the major benefits of a class are the specializations they have at the end of a tree, great!)
and the progression systems are super grindy, especially the perks, boxing you into just having one main perk if you don't enjoy grinding for hours and hours on boring difficulties with no traits unlocked.

At best I can say this game is a good springboard to get people into the original game, and maybe KF3 will be better.

In all honesty, I expect KF3 to be a low FPS DLSS reliant UE5 game that nosedives in population within a few months.