6 reviews liked by LeannVanWalker

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one can only dream of being lent 50,000 yen

Que buena manera de empezar eh suda
Sin duda una VN que se quedara marcada en la historia

Racing games are fun multiplayer experiences. Often you race your friends or rivals and prove that you know how to play the game best. It's a test of skill with a human player that makes a lot of racing games fun, and F-Zero decided to take that fundamental just out of the equation.

It's honestly maddening to me how anyone could consider F-Zero a good game, let alone a great game when it's not even a good racing game. Drifting mechanics in this game are so needlessly clunky and hopeless that it's largely just better to tap the go button to slow your car down over pushing all your momentum in a new direction just to pinball your way through the track. On top of that, the computers in this game constantly bullies you and stays on the track despite what you do to it, and you as a player have to play flawless for 5 laps along 5 different tracks just in hopes to place. There is a stamina bar on top of instant deaths, and super sharp corners and other game mechanics that aren't easy to figure out till you're screwed by them. It's so easy to make a simple mistake in F-Zero that the game is a testament to controlling anger issues than an actual game itself.

F-Zero just drops a lot of bull crap on you, all while looking super smashed and having little to no background that blends into itself constantly. The only thing this game really has going for it is it's soundtrack, and it's not even a good one, it's just decent and there. Sure, I can see how people get nostalgic for it, but it's never to the level of the rest of the Nintendo SNES games. Largely this game is a complete wash, and something that has me perplex why they decided to continue this franchise. If this is your arguement that more F-Zero games should come out, it's a bad one.

Como si te enseñan un bebe y dices esta bonito pero en tu mente no piensas eso es que no esta siendo sincero
Pero si dices que esta bien culero se oye feo
-Wario 1998