Layton Games Ranked

Not counting Layton vs Wright, here's my ranking of the Layton games so far. I'll add the rest of the games after finishing them.

Puzzles already feel a lot better here than in Curious Village, although I don't think this game and the characters in it are particularly memorable compared to other entries. Also has the lamest twist in the series (from the games I played so far). Still was a good time overall.
Fun puzzles, great storyline and one of the greatest twists in gaming for me. The ending literally made me tear up.
Great atmosphere and a really good twist - unfortunately the age of the game shows in the gameplay department and it has by far the most annoying puzzles in the series with a really strong emphasis on mathematical problems. I'm not ashamed to have used a guide for some of those final puzzles - the difficulty spike is rough.
Misthallery has a nice vibe to it and Emmy is a good addition to the cast. Enjoyed the puzzles and characters in this one and the story was good enough, although I was let down a bit by the twist near the end. Maybe my expectations were too high after Unwound Future.
The initial premise was really intriguing, so I was really looking forward to finding out this particular mystery by myself. It would have been nice if the game didn't keep spoiling itself all the time - let me question things and be confused for once! Also the entirety of Chapter 6 is way too long and an absolute chore to play through. Overall the game has some good vibes though.


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