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April 6, 2023

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Star Wars: Episode I - Racer holds a special place in my heart as it was my very first game and the only one I had for almost three years when I was a child. Despite that, I was never able to finish it because I always found it too difficult and impossible for me to complete, especially with a Nintendo 64 joystick at such a young age.

Many years later, I revisited this game when it was released on new platforms. Now playing on my Nintendo Switch, I see it as a regular racing game with many influences from F-Zero.

Star Wars: Episode I - Racer is a racing game originally released in 1999, coinciding with the premiere of the Star Wars prequels in cinemas. You'll get to play with some racing characters that you briefly saw in Episode I: The Phantom Menace, on courses developed exclusively for the game.

There's not much cosmetic customization here, only upgrades to improve certain aspects of your pod racer. In the end, I don't think it was a critical element of the game since you unlock new characters to continue your campaign.

As a racing game, I'd say it was a good one for its time, but it's not completely outdated. You'll find yourself exploding your pod numerous times, which can be frustrating.

Regarding the graphics, it's pretty cool considering it was originally released for the Nintendo 64. Obviously, it looks like an old game, but I don't see it as a problem like some other games from the third Nintendo console.

In conclusion, it's great to see Star Wars: Episode I - Racer on modern platforms. For years, this game was forgotten on the Nintendo 64. Even with that, I recommend playing it only if you have some nostalgic memories of it, as there are plenty of racing games nowadays that are better than this one.