Certainly one of the most nostalgic and better games out there. But putting that aside there isnt anything worthwile to do anymore on this. Theres mods that definetly improve the game but I am not planning to continue this any time soon.

Until you avoid being competetive its very fun with friends, though i only play it with friends so im putting it on shelved.

The game is certainly good, didn't hook me at the start though, after playing for a few hours i dropped it. Might return some day.

Fun for a bit, shoudn't have moved to steam, kinda killed the community it had.

fun lil cube game for vibing and ragequitting right after

One of the better and actually fun .io games. Maxed out a few times and dropped it. Worth it if you have nothing to do for a day.

Certainly beat my expectations. Fun for a while, then its only fun if youre good. Kinda unbalanced and really requires knowledge of the game. Cool if you like league.

Amazing game honestly, kind of at a skill wall atm so holding it until i get the motivation to come back.

Its fun, the exp grind isnt as tedious as in BTD 6 but it still has most problems 6 has.

Probably the best one of them all. Despite being competetive somehow remains fun.


Really cool game until you decide to never shower again. Basically the best option for ryhtm game players.

with the variety of games outfits and stuff to do in general its definetly a 5/5. But due to the company being extreeeeemely horrible, im giving it a lower rating.

pretty fun, didn't hook me to stay though.

Mixed feelings, heard it gets super good later, but didn't get into it yet. For now this rating fits until i get hooked back on.