Great game, happy about upgrading weapons, there should have been more puzzles. Took me 10hrs 37min to finish.

Great game and battle system, the poor side is the skill tree and leveling up. Once you level up you need to save your points before you can spend them so there is a gap which makes the game bit boring.

Its worth it, scary, puzzles.
3hrs 35 min to complete.

Its a great game. After a while got boring. I enjoyed Kings Bounty more, however its quite similar.

Great game, its a remake. Very different from the original on PS1.
Took me 13 hours to clear. The start is a bit off with the first person view for first few minutes but than returns to how it should be.

Its a remaster not a remake.
Its a must play! Puzzles, horror.
Took me 18 hours with Chris, first run. Second run with Jill 9 hours.

Couldn't get into it. Too dark even when full brightness. Map is garbage. Died on the first spider, than died again on the horse, too hard, gave up. Its like Dark Souls.

Its a must to play the older version and very happy this release. Both versions are a must into the collection. Played with Leon and took me almost 12 hours and than with Claire 8 hours. Both are different games. There is also second run available.

Great game, however the PS1 version is way better.

Not a fan of combat, bit messed up with being a mage or fighter. The equipment is bit messed up also. Yes even the skill tree.
Epic fail, this is what happens when they try to create something new and think its going to be cool.
Best to stick to other Final Fantasy series.

Excellent turn based strategy game. Advance Wars 2 took me 52 hours to complete.
If you will play with friends will be even more fun.

Its ok, bit like Tomb Raider where you upgrade skills and craft just bit worse.

Took me 16 hrs to complete with one of 3 heroes. This game is great I will complete with another hero.
So far this is the best one out of the all the King Bounty series.
Has great puzzles, different armies, upgrading skills.
Its a must play for RPG fans.

Playing with each race is a completely different game, I have already spent over 100hrs playing this.
Yes its addictive :)

Not so impressed by this release, I prefer the Diablo 3 version as the graphics, playability and comparing items is so much better. I played the PC version so not sure about the mobile versions.
I will wait for Diablo 4.
It is free to play so see for yourself.