Games that filter people for stupid reasons

Nothing here!

Stop hiding behind the tired walking sim meme
This movement Isn’t clunky, outdated or any other term people use for non-traditional movement. Games like this are always designed around said limitations and end up better for It.
Dante has lock-on bro, stop complaining about the camera
Part of It’s challenge comes from mastering the controls, and they still aren’t that bad. Refer to the RE4 note.
Stop blaming Donald and the camera for you sucking ass
World Tendency Is an Intentionally vague mechanic because of how straightforward It Is, and explaining It would bog It down.
You’re piloting a complex piece of machinery. And It’s still not bad or hard at all.
Mfs can’t stand when the RPG has a G In It. Or dungeon-crawlers.

1 Comment

9 months ago

oooo the clunkiness you don't understand the clunkiness

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