13 reviews liked by Liriuscat

Mil vezes melhor que o primeiro, narrativa FANTÁSTICA só não é 10/10 por que o combate fez foi piorar (???). O primeiro é bem ruinzinho, mas esse merece uma chance para quem não curtiu o antecessor. JOGUEM!!!

Some of you dumb motherfuckers need to play a game that isn't DMC V that's all I'm saying

A masterpiece even with the terrible boss fights.

An absolutely wonderful game both because of and in spite of everything it is.

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i really enjoy that you somehow use the dead serial killer's radio to have his ghost teleport you around the town

My alphabet soup told me to leave this review. The words spelt out “Good game game cool.”

These bitches gay! Good for them. Good for them.

really neat! one of my first walking simulators so it spooked me a little because i was expecting jumpscares. i relaxed once i realize its only lesbians so i had nothing to be scared of