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Vibinguphere commented on Vibinguphere's review of Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
@cyanplaza I made this review when i was 10 hours in, i am now 30 hours in and not a damn thing in this review has changed. I wrote this because this broken frame data has been carrying me in rank. I then bought Beatrix and holy shit she abuses the fuck out of the universal frame data. In this game it's harder to open your opponent up because y'all both have safe blockstrings. Your critique that eventually you'll find a punish is assuming the player just keeps doing the same approach which is not what you're gonna see in ranked since its basic 101 to condition your opponent to expect something and when you're safe on throwing damn near anything you can easily throw them off with a grab or overhead. All of your critiques are assuming the player can only do the same blockstring approach and can't mix anything up.

6 days ago

7 days ago

Cvit reviewed Gears of War
A very interesting look back on this game since its the one that really set the trends of the 7th gen for 3rd person shooters for the most part. It feels a lot more like a 6th gen adventure game than you probably remember compared to the later installments. Way more rough around the edges than I ever realized back in the day. The framerate is awful, the visuals flicker and blur all the time thanks to unreal 3, its buggy as fuck. But the online still works in 2024 which i couldn't believe initially. Its charming in how earnest a lot of the shit in this game is. A bunch of stuff feels like it was put in there because the devs thought it was cool as hell and you know what, i agree. Gears is cool and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

7 days ago

Cvit reviewed Gears of War 3
I can't believe people are still playing multiplayer. That shit warms my heart. I gotta replay the story and see if i still like it as much as i did back when it came out

7 days ago

Cvit finished Gears of War
A very interesting look back on this game since its the one that really set the trends of the 7th gen for 3rd person shooters for the most part. It feels a lot more like a 6th gen adventure game than you probably remember compared to the later installments. Way more rough around the edges than I ever realized back in the day. The framerate is awful, the visuals flicker and blur all the time thanks to unreal 3, its buggy as fuck. But the online still works in 2024 which i couldn't believe initially. Its charming in how earnest a lot of the shit in this game is. A bunch of stuff feels like it was put in there because the devs thought it was cool as hell and you know what, i agree. Gears is cool and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

7 days ago

Cvit backloggd Soul Sacrifice

8 days ago

MarshSMT followed Zguvat

10 days ago

Cvit earned the Replay '14 badge

10 days ago

10 days ago

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