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Liwski finished Days Gone
This game is so underrated. It captivated me in a way that not many games have in recent years. We can all agree that the game lacks technical brilliance, I faced a lot of bugs, the story is not incredible but is decent enough to keep you hooked, and the game doesn't really innovate if the horde feature isn't included, however, the gunplay feels good, I like the characters and there's something quite addictive about the game that idk how to put into words.

1 day ago

Liwski completed Days Gone

1 day ago

Liwski reviewed Battlefield 4
It's a decent game, but completely forgettable.

5 days ago

Liwski completed Battlefield 4

5 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

Liwski followed SPICEBAG

13 days ago

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