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1 day

Last played

January 25, 2024

Platforms Played


As a big fan of the first game I cannot express how disappointed I was by this game. I usally give games a chance but 2 hours into this I still hated it so I have decided to not waste the little time I have to game on it.

This game manages to mess up everything that made the first game great. I went into this wanting to play a super fun and mindless fps but what I was met with was an overwhelming looter shooter. There is no form of progression as this game is just constantly throwing new weapons and several perks at you constantly. I very quickly stopped equipping the perks I was picking up otherwise I would be spending half of my playtime in the menus. It reminds me of how Forza Horizon 5 would throw new items and events at you every 5 seconds which was just overwhelming to the point I stopped playing, much like this game. Oh and on top of that I found the combat to be very boring as they decided to make the enemies more bullet spongey with health bars.

The dialogue is god awful and cringey. The only funny lines in this are ones reused from the first game. All the new characters are either bland or annoying and the story is not intersting whatsoever. Oh and the achievments are still as broken as the first games so it is good to see they didn't bother fixing that.

Overall, everything I love about the first game is utterly destroyed in the sequel hence my hatred for this game. The game does look nice and run really well but that is about all I can commend.